Posts Tagged «vanity fair»
Kernels of Dish (Wednesday) couldn’t resist competing with Vanity Fair by featuring the soccer hotties. It’s so Sex and the City 2 of them. - STYLE.COM Charlie Sheen is opting for jail as opposed to a 2 year probation. Gotta love a guy who knows that there is no way on Earth he is staying clean and sober for that long. – TMZ Who would want to face off with Steve Wynn and Joe Francis? They look insane. – TMZ I love Diana Agron from Glee. She has been completely underused this season…until last night. – DAILY BEAST Yes, I know, he won… Read More »

Kernels of Dish (Tuesday)
httpv:// Kylie’s new video…what do you think? I am feeling Fire Island Morning Party. Fergie, Fergie, Ferige. Yowza McGee. – D LISTED Liz Taylor is sharing her private letters from Richard Burton with Vanity Fair. A far improvement to the current gay porn cover. – HUFFINGTON POST Cathy Horyn laments that there are no more Tom Fords laying around. – NY MAGAZINE… Read More »
Look, I am by no means a prude, but have you seen the new campaign to promote the Miss USA pageant? Donlad Trump‘s properties have just had a major Victoria’s Secret overhaul. The marketing campaign just launched and all 51 contestants have traded in their pageant hair and cornball, prom gowns for that skanky, Gross Baboon of the Year look that all of Tiger Woods‘ skanks share. Now, I am all for racy, but didn’t Carrie Prejean…nutbag hypocrite extraordinaire…get chastised for being a skank? Will this new pageant action shift the talent portion of the evening? Will we see Fellatio?… Read More »
What is the deal with Vanity Fair‘s obsession with Tiger Woods and his merry band of hookers? The new issue, on stands today, continues its coverage of the Gross Baboons that brought down America’s most boring sports superstar. The Temptation of Tiger Woods, Part Two digs deeper into this less-than-riveting story, which is sooo yesterday’s breakfast. Surely I am not alone when scratching my head wondering why Vanity Fair, my favorite (or used to be favorite) magazine would spend their resources and time on something that could have lived on thier blog and save the printed pages for more compelling… Read More »
There’s nothing like a rainy Saturday afternoon, curled up on the couch with the new issue of Vanity Fair. It has been a favorite pastime for years…especially since we get so much freakin’ rain. Lately though, some of the subjects and stories featured in VF are getting as pedestrian as punch. Case in point: the issue with the Tiger Woods‘ cover, thrown in there for good measure, to garner some newsstand action. I understand that need for Graydon Carter to want get in on the greatest media obsession on Earth, but that cover was nauseating and frankly, above Vanity Fair.… Read More »
For weeks, I have been begging the media to let dead Tigers lay…as in the case of Tiger Woods and his many whores. But as time marches on, we are still accosted by claims from these cheap hussies, case in point and the winner of Gross Baboon of the Year, Loredana Jolie…no relation to Angelina…who must be plotzing as far as possible Google affiliations go. Seriously though, I am so not interested in Tiger Wood’s penis and now I need to know even more about it? And this hooker Loredana needs to try her hand at writing a book?!? What… Read More »
Looking through the Vanity Fair International Best Dressed List was a bit of a head scratch-er for me. First of all, can we eliminate men from this challenge? When I think of Best Dressed lists, Mr. Blackwell’s Best Worst Dressed comes to mind as does Eleanor Lambert, who originated the Best Dressed List in 1940. Rarely do I think of men when we speak of Best Dressed lists. This year’s list in Vanity Fair had too many men, the images are lame and frankly, I don’t look to Vanity Fair for their opinions on fashion. I loves me my Vanity… Read More »
Reading about the new Monkey Bar and the obsession that Graydon Carter has regarding who sits where kind of gives me the willies. I don’t know why. Part of me would like to think that he’s busy editing Vanity Fair, the magazine I look forward to reading each month, though I will say it has been lackluster as of late. Could there be some kind of correlation? This month, with everyone’s hero Johnny Depp on the cover, the magazine is so thin, it’s like one of those glossy handouts in the Hamptons. And lo and behold, there’s a story about… Read More »
Hodge Podge Lodge
Some days it’s hard to focus on one specific issue that gives me my I Mean…What?!? Some days it’s a virtual smorgasbord of little nibbly bits makes up the sum of all parts. That’s the beauty of this process. There are no rules. As long as there is life on Earth, I will find those things that range from shockingly wrong to thoroughly annoying. For today, these kernels are stuck in my craw. I’d love to know what is stuck in yours. Do tell, leave a comment.… Read More »
Yes, Giselle Bundchen is gorgeous, as is her husband, Tom Brady. But did she really need to be on the cover of Vanity Fair? Correct me if I am wrong, but do we really care THAT much about her? I mean, she’s no Naomi or Kate. At least they had (have) massive drug histories, which make them extremely interesting and iconic. It’s just that Giselle is stunning, rich, married, happy, and blesses the food she eats. Yawn. Although I was riveted by the fact that she was raised in a remote village in southern Brazil where she says, “There were… Read More »