It's the end of the Gay Community as we know it when Ann CoOulter is your keynote speaker.
So why on God’s green Earth did The New York Times Style do a piece on her for that section? It baffles me. Here you have the end of fashion week, amazing contributors like Cathy Horyn (who I could listen to for hours on end) and Eric Wilson, who traipse around to all the shows, must have unprecedented access so many stories and interviews in their luggage. So what, we need to read about a bunch of conservative gays…an oxymoron…that are all a twitter…literally and figuratively…because Ms. Ann Coulter is coming to speak to them at some have baked rally? The notion of a conservative gay to me is a castrated, Polo wearing, pretentious Hamptonite. Being gay has been reduced to stereotypes (watch any show on the Logo Channel). And now what, gay conservatives are a new breed of gay? Let me get this straight, should Sarah Palin run for President in 2012, some pack of uptight queens are going to rally on her behalf and vote for her? Why, because she was a pageant queen? She surely does not best represent gay issues. Or does she? Perhaps gays really only want to have the right to enter pageants and not be bothered with all the other rights that seem to matter to those other human gays. Or perhaps these conservative gays are really hot for the notion of being labeled Tea Baggers…because doing that and entering pageants is all they really care about anyway. I give up.
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