Breaking Newzzz

We can add Kim Kardashian to the social media trend of Weinergate-like scandals. Seems like Kim has an affinity to sexting, and did so, while still courting her current fiancee, Kris Humphries. The recipient of Kim’s sex-typing is another athlete knucklehead, Bret Lockett, who blabbered to the media. What a douche bag. What is so hot about sexting? Am I so old and corny that I don’t get the sex appeal behind twinkling a few phone keys? Does the sheer act of typing the words “sex” or “touching myself” get one aroused? Let me start by admitting that I am… Read More »

What on Earth are you doing? You, meaning the media for giving unending amounts of real estate to Sarah Palin. Whether the media is covering her “I’m Not Going Anywhere Tour” (a.k.a. The Catch Me, Catch Me Tour) or giving her rebuttal time to maintain her cluelessness about Paul Revere for “ringing those bells”, we now have to suffer through 24,000 old emails from when she was Governor of Alaska, gazing at Russia from her back porch. The media are drunk on Sarah Palin’s Kool-Aid and now we are accosted with irrelevant plot points, junk mail and “You betchas” from… Read More »

Steven Tyler Style
Get ready to rock. And I mean rock AND roll over to Macy’s when they launch Andrew Charles, the rocker inspired men’s fashion collection. You gotta love Macy’s. They are snapping up every bit of celebrity and now sub-culture to keep their name relevant in retail news. I was pulled into a meeting with them over three years ago when they were just beginning to scratch their heads for what to do with themselves. Though I was close to a deal, the September 2008 economy hit and it was put on the back burner. So far back, it disintegrated. But… Read More »

Leave it up to Sarah Palin, with her grossly misguided sense of self, to launch her comeback from stupidity on Memorial Day Weekend. Kicking off in Washington DC, while grossly using the Vietnam War veterans to pull at heart strings, get ready for a calculated, lame attempt to prove to America, that her One Nation Tour is all about them and not about her. And if you believe that for one second you Tea Party zealot, well, by all means sign up here to buy a piece of what’s left of the Poconos. Sarah Palin and her yahoo family are… Read More »

The gloves are off and the cat fight begins between Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, the Doublemint Twins of the Tea Party. Neither zealot has officially entered the race yet, but they are already taking jabs at each other through their hired mouth pieces. What is more brilliant than that? Brilliant because as I predicted months ago, there will be no harmony with this duet. It is similar to the similarities of Bryce Dallas Howard and Jessica Chastain. It is hard to tell them apart, too. In March, when the Charlie Sheen meltdown was monopolizing the airwaves, I wrote: The… Read More »

Frankly, I am breching (vomiting in Yiddish). First of all, I am so over thinking about the sexual escapades of our politicians. It is just nauseating. Like I want to see Anthony Weiner‘s bare chest plastered across my 24″ monitor first thing in the morning? I almost puked…and I’m gay. I have never been a fan of tiny nipples and am still not. Especially when the nipples belong to the person who is supposed to be setting an example in our society. Remember when Obama was caught on camera in that bathing suit? He has tiny nipples, too. We would… Read More »

Austan Goolsbee Toodles
Well, hello. With the name Goolsbee, which is phonetically GHOUL-sbee, what was he doing there in the first place? GHOULS and economy, not a good correlation. I wish him well, but Barack, can you please hire someone named David Cashflow or Anita Goldbar or Arthur Shipscomein?… Read More »

Oh, come on. You tell me what the difference is between these three sound bites, one from Sarah Palin when asked about the midnight ride of Paul Revere or Serene Branson after the Grammy Awards when reporting on *Lady Antebellum‘s unusual Grammy sweep. And how can we not included the lovely Miss South Carolina from Miss Teen USA Pageant, when she spewed these pearls when asked about the lack of education in our youth. Watch, listen and learn. httpv:// httpv:// httpv:// Ever wonder what Lady Antebellum means? Well, Lady is obvious, but Antebellum refers to an architectural style of home… Read More »

The good thing about this expression is that it applies to many things. Hmmmm, good. Hmmmm, bad. Hmmmm, huh? Hmmmm, how’d he do that? Hmmmm, is she kidding? This is one of those days where hmmmm is all I can say about a plethora of things. So whether I think Sarah Palin is lying through her pageant smile teeth or the kid in this first video did this stunt in one take, it all just makes me go hmmmm. httpv:// Starting with this video shot by my friend Tony Kelly for American Apparel. How amazing is that kid? httpv://… Read More »

The tide has turned for Sarah Palin. I recently said, “I don’t care how often Sarah Palin appears on Fox News, nor how disdainfully she speaks of our President while giving kudos to Donald “Orange” Trump for being the Birther-in-Chief, the fact remains that the wind is out of her sail and I couldn’t be happier. Michele Bachmann has stolen her thunder and she must be freaking out.” Boy, what a difference a weekend makes. That One Nation Tour Bus is kicking Michele and every Republican hopeful in the pants. Imagine the ego bloat that those two reality stars, Sarah… Read More »