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The best philosophy to live by is: “Keeping my side of the street clean”. And with that, I take pride in sharing an organization that is similarly committed to that notion, only it goes deeper than that. ACE-New York is the organization committed to helping the homeless and responsible for keeping the streets of SoHo clean. The idea behind ACE works because the individuals in the bright red uniforms who clean your sidewalk want more than charity—they want a better life.… Read More »

Gross Baboon of the Year Award kicks off awards season here at I Mean What. Hey, look, the Razzies started somewhere and surely not in a ballroom. … Read More »

Now if you don’t think this charity is a cool thing to do, then you are not cool. And speaking of cool, Dossier Journal is hosting a fundraising event for Worth Motorcycle Company Friday night in Brooklyn. I mean… does it get any cooler?… Read More »

After seeing how enthusiastic and motivated consumers are that come out in droves to suck down all the free booze and “shop”–using the term loosely here–there is so much more to do altruistically speaking. All this good-will can be harnessed and the giving aspect of this event can be multiplied exponentially. … Read More »

What started out as pure innocent fun–rating chicks on college campuses–has mushroom-clouded into a serious business or more accurately, a massive, mishmash of mass-marketing mush. Sprinkle that with a plethora of celebrities spewing pearls of their newly acquired wisdom leaves us with a mosh-pit of “visual white noise”. Our in-boxes are stuffed with promotional opportunities, must-haves, pictures of C-List celebrities wearing Designer X on a red carpet, and news flashes that feature nothing new.… Read More »

Hiatus and Other Ironies
To some people, hiatus means you have just finished shooting the thirteenth episode of a quirky, new sit-com—that your producer believes will be the break-out, mid-season replacement—and are taking a well-deserved break in Cabo San Lucas. Naturally, you are hoping against hope that the network brass will order an additional thirteen episodes for a second season, but there is no telling what those suits will do once they show a few episodes to some random focus group in the Midwest; to people who have no sense of humor and won’t get the subtle jokes or the double entendres. So you spend your hiatus drinking and praying.… Read More »

Frank Ocean: Comes Out
Newest “celeb” to march out of the closet is Frank Ocean, an R&B singer, part of the hip hop collective Odd Future and who has also written songs for Justin Bieber, John Legend and Beyoncé. Ocean’s honesty is admirable since he took a risk seeing that the hip hop community continues to struggle with homophobia. Bravo to people like Frank Ocean and Azealia Banks who are proving to those thugs that their backwards antics are so twelve years ago. Needless to say their music is kind of stale, too.… Read More »

We received this Letter to the Editor:
Hey Abe,
Is it OK to wear shorts around Paris? Your insight into what would be the best way to proceed would be much appreciated. Any info much appreciated. Thank you very much. Thank you.
–Paul… Read More »

Gay Bizarro World
The news, rather, the not news that Anderson Cooper is gay has sparked a flurry of comments, articles, reactions, presumptions and blather all of which has me wondering what Gay Bizarro World would be like. This is based on a Seinfeld episode based on a Superman episode where everything becomes the polar, or better yet, bi-polar opposite. For instance, in Gay Bizarro World, Kim Kardashian would announce that she is straight, making front page news in the New York Post and an Op-Ed piece by Thomas Friedman in The New York Times. The nationwide reaction would be shock, awe, dismay… Read More »

Manzies Italian Style
Remember the movie Divorce Italian Style, the hilarious satire of male-chauvinist society in Italy? Well, move over ’cause the Manzies are taking the title for themselves. The Milan men’s shows are in full bloom and there are some Bloomsbury beauties among other mishaps and very little that screams male-chauvinism. On the contrary. It is as though some of these designers are divorced from their better judgment, or any guy that wears them will be. You tell me. … Read More »