Lindsay looks chic as she entered the courthouse today.
We have had more Lindsay Lohan court appearance outfits than episodes of Jersey Shore. If MTV would piece together the amount of footage and hearsay related to Lindsay Lohan’s court appearances, they would have a Roots-long docu-drama that would garner endless ratings because whether you love her or a hater…Lindsay Lohan is fascinating. Quite honestly, Lindsay should have taken my advice as mentioned in Crushable, when asked how she should handle her post jail comeback. But what do I know?
FROM CRUSHABLE: As for her post-prison plans, Abe advised her to keep a low profile, attend theater classes or maybe go to college like Jodie Foster. “I would love to see her do theater and strip away that facade,” Abe advised. At the very least, Lindsay should avoid going out for at least six months after jail and rehab, Abe said.
Not knowing the outcome of this newest drama, my recommendations still stand.