More Bla Bla on "Madonna"

Although I am on a quasi-vacation, this ditty caught my eye so I wanted to share the horrendosity of it all. Posh Spice’s handbag collection is worth $2,000,000. Like I care to know this? This is news? That she needs 100 Birkin bags speaks to a much larger story of neediness and self-absorption. How Beckham deals with this is a bit of a mystery to me. Seems like Guy Richie had enough of the Madonna overkill and set himself free. But, hey, who am I to judge what goes on behind closed doors. If I were the Beckhams, I’d much… Read More »

If I read one more article about the Big  Stupid Three, (stupid = U.S. automakers),  I am going to barf. This is not the first time these companies have been squeezed to the point of doom. Hello, the 80’s. I’ve been asking everyone if they remember the K Car, developed during the oil crisis, which crippled the industry. No one seems to have any recollection. Having been accused on many occasions of dreaming things up, I found in Wikipedia (my newest obsession) that the K Car series, which rolled out in 1981, was attributed to saving Chrysler from bankruptcy. Over… Read More »

Match the image to the ditty. 1. The Real Housewives of New York have all been cursed since the second (highest ratings) season began. Each experiencing personal problems, neither willing to admit that being the most annoying women on television is a bad thing. On the contrary, they are reveling in it. Who are these women again? 2. The claim that Harlem is losing its soul because those highfalutin real estate developments planned for the “New Harlem Renaissance” have dried up. Well, correct me if I am wrong, but Harlem has soul, it’s the real estate developers that don’t. This… Read More »

Enough already with this nationwide outcry about AIG, or the way Geitner is handling the economy, the bank bailout, or what the fuck A-Rod is up to (hookers, Madonna, steroids). You’ve all let out some steam, now stop. First of all, if you go back several days on my blog, I was already expressing my anger and even warned AIG staffers to run for the hills for dear life. But after a weekend of mob anger, shriying (screaming in Yiddish) from the mountaintops and plenty of bogus airtime filled with bloviators and Republicans, I say enough is enough. Oh, and… Read More »

Now that Bernie is off to the slammer, it’s all about his lovely wife Ruth, who I bet is so far up the ass of this Ponzi scheme that she can’t breathe. I’d like to first note that her cheeks and forehead look fierce. I will bet HER bottom dollar that she has the same injectibles as Madonna. Come on. First of all, I have looked in every article written to date about the Madoff’s and nowhere do they list her age. Bernie is 70. So, then I will estimate her as not much younger. Now for a 65-70 year… Read More »

I don’t mean to go on and on about Patsy and Edina but surely you have to agree that what the world needs now is a lot more of them than, let’s say, Michael Phelps or A-Rod. Would someone please tell me why I should call someone that spent his waking hours in the water (avoiding his overbearing mom, no doubt) or an uber-jock who shoots roids (shot, whatever) my hero? Why because sports is such a heroic fete? Captain Sully, absolutely gets my vote as hero extraordinaire along with the drew of Flight 1549. But those other two? Not doing it.… Read More »

To all you bloggers and internet hags, I am officially starting my daily entries to this blog. I will comment on things in the news: political, gossip, and other such nonesense. Also, I will highlight groovy things to buy and to look into further. Granted, you might not give a shit what I think, but then again the feeling is mutual; I don’t give a shit about what you think that I think. So get ready for a fantastic summer with a lot of great ideas and dishy tidbits.… Read More »