More Bla Bla on "hillary clinton"

No one on Earth has received more press this past week than my favorite woman on Earth, Hillary Clinton. She took so much heat and vitriol just because she was having a bad hair day. Name me one human that does not have these. Yes, that includes you…Mr. and Ms. Media-know-it-alls and Style Mavens. Now that I really don’t have hair anymore, I am safe from people looking at me cross-eyed…well…at least for bad hair reasons anyway. Hair is our most critical point of reference for, “I look like shit, I’m going home to rewash my hair and start over.”… Read More »

It’s the weekend, and after a long ass week, the only thing I want to know or write about is cute news. Cute news are things that make you say “Awwww”. Chelsea Clinton is getting married this summer. Awwww.  Word is that she and long-time love Mark Mezvinsky will tie the knot in August in Martha’s Vineyard. Chelsea is marrying a Jewish boy. I am kvelling (Yiddish for filled with pride; mostly done by Jewish mothers when their sons become doctors). I cannot wait to see the photos of Hillary, Bill, Barak and Michelle dancing the Hora together. See how… Read More »

Anna Wintour needs to stay away from Kanye West.

Did you hear the collective gasp of disbelief when the media reported you and Kanye West (of all people) were summoned to the gold version of a glass house? Please, do tell how your business meeting with @realDonaldTrump went the other day. I, like millions, am dying to know. … Read More »

I am woman hear me roar.

I have two words for the Women’s Movement: Christine Quinn! During the Golden Age of Hollywood women were heralded and revered but with that era long gone, women needed new roles models if they were to ever break from the confines of their traditional place in society. When Bella Abzug, Betty Freidan, Gloria Steinem and Helen Gurley-Brown entered the cultural landscape, there seemed to be hope for the role of women in politics and media that made the tireless work of the Suffragettes begin to finally pay off. Then Helen Reddy roared, Joan Baez claimed her place in the cosmic… Read More »


Though I am still confident that Barack will eek out his second term by a hair, we need Binders Full Of Women to get to the polls tomorrow and show those #BinderWomen4Mitt who’s boss.… Read More »

How do you like the I Mean What Party flag? It's vertical stripes because they are slimming.

How do you like our I MEAN WHAT PARTY flag? Please note that we reversed the stripe and made them vertical… because they are slimming! … Read More »


The news, rather, the not news that Anderson Cooper is gay has sparked a flurry of comments, articles, reactions, presumptions and blather all of which has me wondering what Gay Bizarro World would be like. This is based on a Seinfeld episode based on a Superman episode where everything becomes the polar, or better yet, bi-polar opposite. For instance, in Gay Bizarro World, Kim Kardashian would announce that she is straight, making front page news in the New York Post and an Op-Ed piece by Thomas Friedman in The New York Times. The nationwide reaction would be shock, awe, dismay… Read More »

This is how Fatty Calatty really looks these days.

Seems like Gross Baboon alum, Rush Limbaugh is back at it again, blabbering, blubbering and saying stupid stuff. What else is new? Can we finally boybott this disgusting creature and put him out of commission once and for all? This cross-addicted Oxycontin addict has the balls to trash Hillary Clinton on his toothless-people-only-listeners radio show. The fat Gross Baboon actually said, “You can almost say folks, that Mrs. Clinton worked very hard throughout her whole life and has reached a pinnacle, and all she is is a secretary,” he said laughing. “She’s a secretary of defense,” he added. Limbaugh then… Read More »

Well lookie here. It

UPDATE: Ted “The Noodge” Nugent continued his antisemitic meets racist rants by spewing these lovely pearls, “I’m a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally.” What does that even mean? I think what he meant to say was that he is a Nazi, who has a hard-on for the Klu Klux Klan and if he had his druthers, he would happily kill all the Jews and blacks. Unless I am missing something. As you can see above, Gross and Grosser are thick as thieves. Sarah Palin loves her some Noodge. The gun toting Grizzly Mom and the Grosser GunNazi make the perfect evil doer couple, don’t ya think?… Read More »

mantyhose,, manccesories

Please note: This Entry First Appeared July 12, 2009 Who’d have thunk that when I MEAN…WHAT?!? coined the phrase Manzie Report, and pointed out the horrendousness of some of the things that everyone’s favorite Manzie is wearing, that lo and behold, Time Magazine, yes, that magazine that puts Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin on the cover, has an entry about Mancessories. So, now that the Manzie has been adulated by the general media, I am thrilled to say my prescient observation of this uncanny trend has now been substantiated and I am officially anointing Time Magazine with… Read More »