More Bla Bla on "last five minutes f fame"

Abercrombie & Fitch Offers Payola To The Situation
Yes, I am going to take full credit for Abercrombie & Fitch‘s recent move to pay off The Situation in order to have him cease and desist from wearing A & F crap. Yesterday, The Situation was prominently featured on The Not Best Dressed List besides which, I Mean What has done endless coverage of the Jersey Shore, from seasonal reviews to lamenting on how the popularity of this ilk proves that the end of the world is nigh. While I was writing this, Women’s Wear Daily reported that A&F reported a 64% gain in net revenue this quarter,… Read More »

Bully For You, Tracy Morgan
I did a piece on Bullying last year, around the time I was on the committee for Stomp Out Bullying. Seems like this conversation will never end so I am hereby reissuing it below. As someone who was bullied, it is my responsibility to continue to speak out against it. In regards to the Tracy Morgan flap, who surely spoke like a douche bag, he also happened to crack a hilarious joke. One of my saving graces during my bullying years was my ability to laugh in the face of danger. Humor is a great weapon against bullies. Bullies are… Read More »

Devorah Rose By Any Other Name
When that short lived reality show High Society was on television, there was a firestorm of bad press flying around in regards to that cast. Whether it was Tinsley Mortimer or her ex-husband, Paul Johnson Calderon, Jules Kirby or Devorah Rose, they were all lambasted in the media, much for good reason. When it came to Devorah Rose, she could not cut a break, which made her the more sympathetic of the group. Page Six started the Team Devorah vs. Team Tinsley and the color war began. Some people are crowned notorious by the press and never live it down.… Read More »

The Not Best Tressed List
This week’s Not Best Tressed List is filled with an assortment of people, several of whom should know better. Now, I get that we can not all be perfect, however if you are going to a major event complete with red carpet, own a mirror, and have a gay, you should not wind up on my list. It is a simple as that. Anyone on my team is available for last looks before you step into the limo to avoid being put on The Not Best Tressed List. Follow us on Twitter or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »

“He’s 89 years old, so of course he could be very right about the end of the world being on May 21. Or very close to that.” So said Jon Stewart on Harold Camping, the Christian radio kook on his claim that then end of the world is nigh, actually today. As in any minute now. Sure wish I had a couple of Percocets to wash down with my coffee and then slink into a Calgon bath to be taken away, finally, once and for all. The idea that this was the last day on Earth and I am still… Read More »

Last night’s Correspondence Dinner in Washington DC featured many hilarious swipes at Donald Trump who sat in the audience. After cleaning off the dozen or so eggs off his face as a result of Obama’s real birth certificate surfacing, The Orange Donald sat in the audience and was brunt of endless jokes. If you have some time. Watch this video. Seth Myers is hilarious. httpv://… Read More »
Someone please tell Aubrey O’Day that there is no reason on Earth that she should attend a red carpet event. Her minutes, no, not the full fifteen, rather, the seven that she did manage to scarf down, are over. Aubrey dear, trust me, you must go away. Find a nice little town to set up a meaningful life because your attempts at creating a large life in Hollywood are not working. Be gone.… Read More »

On January 5, 1970, All My Children premiered while I was at home, sick with the flu from grade school. (Yes, that makes me 200 years old, but that is not the point here.) In my groggy state, I heard the All My Children Theme Song which jostled me awake, and there was Erica Kane. Though I was feeling better the next day, I exaggerated my cough and sniffle so I could stay home to catch more of Erica’s shenanigans. I continued with my charade and by the end of the week my mother was getting worried and took me… Read More »
The gals at Blink PR sent out this fierce (oy) invitation to an event or whatever this is that I wanted to share with you. And this is verbatim. The Miami Style, the authority of both fashion and flair, cordially invite you to attend an event presentation — JB Couture by Judith Barnes. Judith Barnes is one of the most eclectic, influential and inspirational couture fashion designers in Miami. Judith Barnes will be presenting three different lines from JB Couture in a non-traditional format. There will also be a special guest performing at this exclusive event. Wine and hors d’… Read More »

A while back I wrote a piece about Mistresses Anonymous, the organization started by Sarah Symonds of the Gordon Ramsey indiscretion. Seems like all the women in the boat of having had an affair with a celebrity married man, come out swinging vis-a-vis the media. At least Sarah chose to use her position for good by starting Mistresses Anonymous, clearly an honorable thing to do. She has also become the go-to bloviator for every current infidelity plaguing our airwaves from Tiger Woods to Jesse James. While Sarah is out stumping for the Elin Nordegren, Sandra Bullocks and Elizabeth Edwards of… Read More »