More Bla Bla on "palin"

The gloves are off and the cat fight begins between Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, the Doublemint Twins of the Tea Party. Neither zealot has officially entered the race yet, but they are already taking jabs at each other through their hired mouth pieces. What is more brilliant than that? Brilliant because as I predicted months ago, there will be no harmony with this duet. It is similar to the similarities of Bryce Dallas Howard and Jessica Chastain. It is hard to tell them apart, too. In March, when the Charlie Sheen meltdown was monopolizing the airwaves, I wrote: The… Read More »

Weiner’s Plan Was To Boot Palin From The Headlines
Gotta hand in to the Democrats. When none of the Republican presidential hopefuls like Mitt Romney or John Whats-his-name could grab one headline from the Sarah Palin and her Catch Me Catch Me Tour, Anthony Weiner came up with a brilliant plan with the Democratic National Committee in an effort to diminish Palin’s rising star. Weiner-Gate is a complete fabrication—from the crotch shot to the titty shot. Weiner’s plan was to create this scandal and pull the trigger when it was looking like Sarah’s cutesy clueless act was winning over the hearts and minds of the people and more importantly,… Read More »

Oh, come on. You tell me what the difference is between these three sound bites, one from Sarah Palin when asked about the midnight ride of Paul Revere or Serene Branson after the Grammy Awards when reporting on *Lady Antebellum‘s unusual Grammy sweep. And how can we not included the lovely Miss South Carolina from Miss Teen USA Pageant, when she spewed these pearls when asked about the lack of education in our youth. Watch, listen and learn. httpv:// httpv:// httpv:// Ever wonder what Lady Antebellum means? Well, Lady is obvious, but Antebellum refers to an architectural style of home… Read More »

Sarah Palin Feels Liberated. Is That Like Not Wearing A Bra?!?
Yesterday, Madam Palin suffered from hoof in mouth disease. Today she feels liberated. “You don’t need to be in office to effect positive change,” Sarah Palin said. We know girl, that is why you quit being the Governor of Alaska. So you can positively effect your pocketbook. She went on to say, “Hopefully, I can inspire others to know that you don’t need a title.” Who is she kidding? She is a title-aholic. From Miss Wassila to Mayor of Podunk to Governor of the Tundra, to Wanna-Be Vice-President and to in any minute now, Presidential hopeful. Sure she wants her… Read More »

I am not a betting man so there will be no money on this, but from the tone of Sarah Palin‘s rhetoric, that girl is running for President like I am sitting here in my under-shorts. Never before have we had a potential candidate this confident to the point where she avoids the media, yet they follow her around like paparazzi do to Lindsay Lohan. It is mind boggling. The Washington Press Corps has been reduced to the likes of those who would cover the Axe Body Spray Lounge in the Hamptons. It would not surprise me if Ron Galella… Read More »
Whether Sarah Palin runs for President or not, the problem here is that she does not know how to shut her pie hole. Just yesterday she vomited these pearls on, what else, Fox News. “I’m still wondering who the heck is going to be out there with a servant’s heart willing to serve the American people for the right reason, not for ego, not for special interests, not with obsessive partisanship,” Palin, a paid Fox contributor, told the network’s Greta Van Susteren. I am confident that she will not run for President. Yes, she is a dumb ass, but Sarah… Read More »
Sarah Palin In Israel…Oy!
The Energizer Bunny of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, is in Israel, scraping around for votes. Votes you say? Jews don’t favor the Tea Party. True, true. But Evangelical Christians love Israel, after all, it is the birthplace of their reason for living. So, Sarah has scheduled this smoke and mirrors, Papal-like visit to Israel to con appease her right wing zealot following. Attention K-Mart Shoppers: Sarah “Cross-Hair” Palin is not ready to concede her bid for the presidency over to Michele “Cross-Eyed” Bachmann. Not without a good, old-fashioned, smack down, cat fight, a la Crystal Carrington and Alexis Colby… Read More »
The past few days while Charlie Sheen has been monopolizing the airwaves, the happy homemakers, Sarah (Cross-Hair) Palin and Michele (Cross-Eyed) Bachmann have been doing their darndest to get some face time on the boob tube. Naturally, Fox News to the rescue, where Ms. Blabbermouth #1 has been spewing venomous insults about the Obama Administration, while her potential Presidential rival Ms. Blabbermouth #2 was doing the same. The slanderous comments such as “Gangster Government” is so racially motivated, that it makes John Galliano look like Mother Teresa. Now, these two bimbettes have synced up their talking points to the point… Read More »
They screw up the words. Christina Aguilera has been chastised for messing up a few words in The National Anthem. Big friggen deal. It sure beats screwing up the high notes. Meanwhile several states away, Sarah Palin did her usual spewing of nonsense comparing the Obama Administration to the old ad that Hillary Clinton ran about “It’s 3:00 Am, bla bla bla”. What’s great about Sarah Palin is that she loves guns so much, that she has taken to shooting herself in the foot every time she makes a public appearance. She has become her own moose. Speaking of words,… Read More »
Don’t you love people who shoot themselves in the foot? I sure do. It makes me very happy and few things make me very happy. Like a Percocet and a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Or watching the snow fall from my bedroom window, which overlooks downtown Manhattan. Red Carpet arrivals make me happy, too, and last night’s SAG Awards was no exception. Winner is Mila Kunis. Let’s hear it for Alexander McQueen‘s busiest week. But in the case of Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin, their perfunctory need to yattle off at the mouth–spewing Tea Party nonsense–well,… Read More »