Posts Tagged «Arianna Huffington»

Seems like Gross Baboon alum, Rush Limbaugh is back at it again, blabbering, blubbering and saying stupid stuff. What else is new? Can we finally boybott this disgusting creature and put him out of commission once and for all? This cross-addicted Oxycontin addict has the balls to trash Hillary Clinton on his toothless-people-only-listeners radio show. The fat Gross Baboon actually said, “You can almost say folks, that Mrs. Clinton worked very hard throughout her whole life and has reached a pinnacle, and all she is is a secretary,” he said laughing. “She’s a secretary of defense,” he added. Limbaugh then… Read More »

Never one to bandy about certain terms loosely, I have been careful to minimize my use of one particular term… The A-List. One must go through hoops to become a member of the fabulii. It is not for the faint of heart. Clawing ones way up the ladder, be it in Hollywood or marrying into Royalty, the fact remains, there are very few ways to achieve such status. There are those certain editrixes such as Anna Wintour, Grace Coddington and Arianna Huffington that are there for life. And boy did Arianna fight her way up that ladder. You gotta hand… Read More »
Thrilled For Thrillist
As a member of the internet elite, well, in my own mind anyway, I wanted to give a shout out to Thrillist, the men’s website that has quickly become a leader in how blogs evolve into a sophisticated, revenue generating, content driven, value added groovy thing. Adam Rich started the venture in 2005 and has been at the forefront of the ever changing internet. People like Adam and Arianna Huffington are inspirational and honorable for taking their passion for sitting at their computer so successful. Read today’s piece in The New York Times Business and in my case weep. Kidding,… Read More »
As a unpaid, happy contributing blogger to The Huffington Post, the latest update is that Arianna Huffington is standing her ground about continuing to feature unpaid bloggers. I received an email trying to get me to enroll in the initiative to make HuffPo pay for every word, but truth be told, I would not want to make any waves. I love being a contributor and support those writers who want to get paid. It’s interesting times in the blogosphere.… Read More »
Let it be said that I Mean…What?!? called the Sarah Palin reality television show on June 12, 2009. So it was written, and so it shall be done. Today the Huffington Post reports that Sarah Palin and Mark Burnett are in cahoots with each other to bring you more endless nonsense from Wasilla. Here’s my next prediction, Mark Burnett becomes the leading campaign adviser for Sarah. This reality show will be the vehicle to slam her into the White House in 2016. Well, surely not 2012. I don’t care how many Tea Parties she hosts. And if I am right…which… Read More »
I have not talked about politics for quite a while. And there have been moments of absolute horror while reading the Huffington Post about the goings on in Washington, DC. Much of what was happening within our democracy over the past year had me dumbfounded. I began to loose faith…I closed my eyes…I turned the other cheek. When I became horrified…correction, mortified at some of the libelous and slanderous things that the nay-sayers…correction, Tea Partyers were saying, did I voice my concern? No. I am guilty as charged for frolicking through the fabulostiy of fashion and calibrating the crunk of… Read More »

Lindsay Lohan Did Not “Forget” Her Bra
The Huffington Post reports that Lindsay Lohan Forgot Her Bra. Now, I love the Huffington Post like nobodies business. And not because I am a weekly blogger there. More because it is the best source for news and Arianna Huffington tapped into the blogosphere zeitgeist better than anyone. Several years ago, I produced an event at her home, An Evening of Dorothy Parker. This was before HP was established. Arianna and her sister Agapi graciously let us use her home for this reading and I will always appreciate their kindness and generosity. BUT, I am here to say that judging… Read More »
Pack your bags kids. It is time to move off this continent and go to a place, any place in this world, where you will be safe from the prying, vomitous eyes of the media that gives us the endless stories about wanna-bes, never was-es, and nobodies galore. Today I have read a story that has made me so nauseous, that I am beside myself. Let me just list the cast of characters in this item and surely you will agree and run to start packing. Jon Gosselin, Michael Lohan, Jill Zarin. Should I stop now? And wait, this trifecta… Read More »