Posts Tagged «Blake Lively»

Tom Ford: Bitch Stole My Look
Two years ago, the tuxedo started going through a metamorphosis. Solid black was sooo over whereas florals and vibrant colors were becoming the new black in men’s evening wear. Guess who they were inspired by? Moi! For Spring 2014, Tom Ford continues serving up untraditional, elegant formal attire such as this lovely floral printed tux (above). Below is my blog post from August 19, 2011 that references this chic, new look that also, when you scroll down will see that I started this whole trend eons ago…at my Bar Mitzvah. This is simply unfair. Two of the world’s most acclaimed… Read More »

Blake and Chloe, Audrina and Vanessa, Chaka and Phoebe, Nobody and Never Was….they’re all here.… Read More »

Marchesa = Givenchy
Come on. Admit it.… Read More »
One does not have to go see Green Lantern in order to see that it is a big, waste of time, unless you are 6 years old and like things that light up. That said, if you are 6 years old, chances are you love animals too, so Jim Carrey’s Mr. Popper’s Penquins will probably win the box office in the end. Well, maybe not this weekend, because hype goes a long way in Hollywood. Speaking of which, when will Hollywood ever learn that not everything needs to be made into a big, loud, CGI romp. And just because Avatar… Read More »

The good thing about this expression is that it applies to many things. Hmmmm, good. Hmmmm, bad. Hmmmm, huh? Hmmmm, how’d he do that? Hmmmm, is she kidding? This is one of those days where hmmmm is all I can say about a plethora of things. So whether I think Sarah Palin is lying through her pageant smile teeth or the kid in this first video did this stunt in one take, it all just makes me go hmmmm. httpv:// Starting with this video shot by my friend Tony Kelly for American Apparel. How amazing is that kid? httpv://… Read More »

Why Do Celebrities Cheat Down?!?
In light of the release of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby mamma’s photo today, we here at IMW were sitting around pondering the phenomenon of celebrities cheating down rather than cheating up. Actually, unless you have other for instances, the only celebrity to actually cheat up–and I mean in a big way–was Brad Pitt to Angelina Jolie from Jennifer Aniston. Besides that, the trend, for lack of a better word, is for the celebrity to troll around for haggy poontang and getting it. Here are a few such examples. Please follow us on or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »
Karl Lagerfeld: Bitch Stole My Look
Stop the presses! Forget the dresses and the heels and the tousles of hair and the glittery eye shadow from the Costume Institute Gala. We have something far more riveting to discuss. What, pray tell is more important that Anna Wintour, Bee Shaffer and Jennifer Lopez combined? Well, Karl Lagerfeld, of course. No, not because of Blake Lively and her cascading red ‘doo or her toga-style Chanel number. Rather, from Karl himself. From the moment Karl stepped onto the Red Carpet wearing that Tom Ford tuxedo, I was awestruck. Why? Well, let us go down memory lane and see the… Read More »
Get Caught Red Handed
Bet you never wanted to be in the RED, until now. This season, Hollywood’s coolest stars Blake Lively, Drew Barrymore, Mandy Moore and Rumor Willis have just been red the riot act by their hair stylists. At Roy Teeluck, we have started Le Club Rouge where if you go fiery red with LOréal Professionnel you will receive a hair care gift bag filled with fabulous products, special discounts, and the best red hair color job in New York City. The color team at Roy Teeluck is lead by world-renowned color specialist Nancy Braun. Call and book your appointment today. 212… Read More »
Serena And Dan Split For Realz
Just wanted to take a much needed frothy gossip break from all these Tea Baggers and report that Blake Lively and Penn Badgely have officially called it quits. Does this mean that what happens on the show Gossip Girl actually foreshadows the real-life truth? I mean, their characters Serena van der Woodsen and Dan Humfrey were an item, kind of the wrong side of the tracks storyline and here we have the real-life break up. I never thought they were a match anyway. Not sure why. No judgment. Just didn’t feel it. Another example of Gossip Girl’s truthiness is how… Read More »