Posts Tagged «chloe sevigny»

What do Nicki Minaj (again) and Chloe Sevigny and LeAnn Rimes and Snooki and Parker Posey and and and.… Read More »

There is not much to say. This Not Best Dressed List has become a staple in the I Mean…What?!? universe and shall stay in place forever. Why? Because so many fashionistas are clueless. Or just not brilliant. Words speak volumes, but pictures tell the story. Without any further ado, here are this year’s entries onto The CFDA NOT Best Dressed List for your perusal. Follow us on Twitter or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »

Q: What is hair? A: Hair is probably the most complicated issue of our time. Perhaps second to universal health care…but an issue of the highest, most unprecedented order. Oh, yeah, and then there’s world peace. On second thought, hair is the number one issue for mankind and those other colossal issues follow suit. How can I say that? Well, admit it. You spend more time thinking about your hair than Obama’s heath care plan OR the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Therefore…hair wins…horrendous as that sounds. As a follow up to IMW’s popular The Not Best Dressed List,… Read More »
Just when you thought it was safe to step out of your Jimmy Choos, or slip off your Chanel Haute Couture sheath, or girdle your way out of that contraption, yes you Beyonce, or even peel off those teeth-hurting, sugary Marchesa confections (you know my opinion of the word confection as an adjective for a dress) comes the second half of my Not Best Dressed List from the Costume Institute Gala from Monday Night. Of course no one is safe. I am not alone in saying that this year was lackluster. Expectations ran high with Alexander McQueen being the subject… Read More »