Posts Tagged «Gossip Girl»

Marchesa = Givenchy
Come on. Admit it.… Read More »

What do Nicki Minaj, Demi Lovato and Rihanna all have in common… besides the fact that they are singers?… Read More »

Ewww. Gossip Girl Collection Launches
Girl, this is no Gossip. On the contrary. This continues what I just was saying two minutes ago that television will never replace real fashion designers. What it will do, is confuse everyone to thinking that in order to be a Blair Waldorf or a Serena Van Der Woodson, all you need to do is buy off the rack. That’s like saying if you buy the best cookware from Le Creuset, that will make you a great cook. It does not work like that. Having style is something most folks will never really acquire. You can not buy it off… Read More »
I am a Democrat. I am also furious. Not that we lost the House. We all should have known that was coming and been psychologically prepared for the landslide. Seeing Barack Obama dumbfounded the next day at the press conference proves that, as he even referred to, “the glass bubble” has kept him at arms length from the American people. After all, every bloviator accuses him of that or being an “aloof Harvard professor”. Say what you want about Obama, but first look at this website that documents all the great things he has done in the last two years.… Read More »
Serena And Dan Split For Realz
Just wanted to take a much needed frothy gossip break from all these Tea Baggers and report that Blake Lively and Penn Badgely have officially called it quits. Does this mean that what happens on the show Gossip Girl actually foreshadows the real-life truth? I mean, their characters Serena van der Woodsen and Dan Humfrey were an item, kind of the wrong side of the tracks storyline and here we have the real-life break up. I never thought they were a match anyway. Not sure why. No judgment. Just didn’t feel it. Another example of Gossip Girl’s truthiness is how… Read More »
This week, it seems like living in Tehran would be a bit more interesting than in New York City. As an ex-hippie leftover, who took to the streets for any cause back in the 1970’s, clad in frayed Landlubber, orange-stitched, bell-bottom jeans, tie-dyed T-shirts and Nehru jackets, we were strong, we were invincible, we were…well…you know how the song goes. The backlash against Mamoud Ahmadinejad has struck a chord deep in the hearts and minds of the Iranian people, many within the youth culture and somehow, I had a pang of jealousy, because they were…out in force…in the streets…screaming for… Read More »