Posts Tagged «Gross Baboon of the Year»

Taking bets on who will win Gross Baboon of the Year?… Read More »

What’s on the menu? The shit pie that Octavia Spencer served in the movie “The Help”.… Read More »

Lucky Sperm Club: The Romneys
“Lucky Sperm Club” – Warren Buffett. Yes those are the words of Warren Buffett from an article in The New York Times, “I don’t believe in dynastic wealth”, Warren Buffett said, calling those who grow up in wealthy circumstances “members of the lucky sperm club”. Since the second debate I cannot stop thinking about Mitt Romney and the way he bullied the moderators and continues to disrespect the President of the United States. That smug puss of his looks like he is constantly smelling shit but can not figure out where it is coming from since Mitt Romney clearly thinks… Read More »

Radar Online is reporting that Lindsay Lohan is telling Dina Lohan that she needs rehab? If that ain’t the pot calling the kettle orange.… Read More »

Pastor Charles L. Worley is the hands down the newest Gross Baboon. Actually, I am going out on a limb here to give him the bigger than Lifetime Achievement Award and will be crowned The Grossest Baboon Of All Time Award. Yes, we have found a man that given his preponderance of Christian horrendosity and influence in his little hick town in North Carolina has been spewing such beyond evil anti-gay statements, that it is shocking. If he had his druthers, this douche bag would put homos in an electrified fenced in area and lesbians in another fenced in area,… Read More »

Seems like Gross Baboon alum, Rush Limbaugh is back at it again, blabbering, blubbering and saying stupid stuff. What else is new? Can we finally boybott this disgusting creature and put him out of commission once and for all? This cross-addicted Oxycontin addict has the balls to trash Hillary Clinton on his toothless-people-only-listeners radio show. The fat Gross Baboon actually said, “You can almost say folks, that Mrs. Clinton worked very hard throughout her whole life and has reached a pinnacle, and all she is is a secretary,” he said laughing. “She’s a secretary of defense,” he added. Limbaugh then… Read More »

UPDATE: Ted “The Noodge” Nugent continued his antisemitic meets racist rants by spewing these lovely pearls, “I’m a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally.” What does that even mean? I think what he meant to say was that he is a Nazi, who has a hard-on for the Klu Klux Klan and if he had his druthers, he would happily kill all the Jews and blacks. Unless I am missing something. As you can see above, Gross and Grosser are thick as thieves. Sarah Palin loves her some Noodge. The gun toting Grizzly Mom and the Grosser GunNazi make the perfect evil doer couple, don’t ya think?… Read More »

Public Enemy #1: Lauren Pierce
When Presidential candidates are continually caught in lies and/or webs of deceit, someone has to stand up for Truth, Justice and the American Way. No? And really, who better than me, a fast talking gay, Jew who would otherwise would have been chastised for having an opinion.… Read More »

Ashton’s Gross Baboon
Who’s the biggere douchebag, Ashton Kutcher or Sara Leal?… Read More »

Frankly, I am breching (vomiting in Yiddish). First of all, I am so over thinking about the sexual escapades of our politicians. It is just nauseating. Like I want to see Anthony Weiner‘s bare chest plastered across my 24″ monitor first thing in the morning? I almost puked…and I’m gay. I have never been a fan of tiny nipples and am still not. Especially when the nipples belong to the person who is supposed to be setting an example in our society. Remember when Obama was caught on camera in that bathing suit? He has tiny nipples, too. We would… Read More »