Posts Tagged «Lindsay Lohan»

Far be it from me to be a buzz kill, however, last time I checked we were still in the middle of two wars. Though the Afghanistan debacle is kind-of top-of-mind, we still have the Iraq situation, which gets very little media play…despite the fact that the July death toll there was the highest in two years. But, what do I know? Let’s just discuss the big news items of the day as though they are real hard-hitting news items. Hmmm, where shall I start? BREAKING NEWZZZ: Lindsay Lohan is able to smoke cigarettes while in rehab? How’s that for… Read More »

So Barack Obama is going to be a guest on The View. That is more than interesting. Surely, this was David Axelrod‘s idea. Considering how down the line Obama’s ratings have gotten and while I am at it, Axelrod’s recent outing on the Sunday talk shows was less than stellar. Yup, it is time for yet another achy-breaky PR blitz the goal being to Re-Hail to the Chief. Granted, this is probably the worst financial time on the planet and the Administration is doing whatever it can to help our economy, but the war in Afghanistan is putting the nail… Read More »

Lindsay & Shirley

Sung to the tune of Laverne & Shirley One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Shapiro, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated. She’s gonna do it. Give her any chance, she’ll take it. Give her any rule, she’ll break it. She’s gonna make her dreams come true. Doin’ it her way. Will she go, won’t she go. I have a headache. Any way you slice it, the media is hanging on Lindsay Lohan‘s every move anxiously awaiting for her to speak. And just who she will she be spilling her guts to, besides her Twitter followers? Surely she has locked in some… Read More »

Kernels of Dish (Tuesday)

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Would everybody just get over themselves about LeBron James‘ choice to move out of Cleveland and down to Miami? The reaction to his signing up with the Miami Heat and to live his life in the best way he seems fit is ridiculously over-the-top. New Yorkers are taking it as a personal snub. And the people in Cleveland are burning jerseys with his name on them. Relax. The guy has the world by the balls and his balls want to live in warm weather with a chance at winning championships. Seriously, who crowned anybody the ruler of his universe? The… Read More »

Can Lindsay Lohan Bounce Back?!? Of Course.

Crushable called me to chime in on the whole Lindsay Lohan debacle. And a debacle it is. I think that judge was a little heavy handed with Lindsay. There were enough evilinas wishing her hard time, whereas, rehab was what I was hoping for her. Well, guess the evilinas won this round. But as to whether she will make a come back…duh…of course she will. Here is the article from Crushable. Lindsay Lohan has been in trouble with the law for awhile, but back in May, when she got stuck in Cannes after claiming her passport was stolen, we asked… Read More »

Lindsay Lohan: Behind The Scenes @ Marc Ecko

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Lindsay’s Private Party–The Video for Muse Magazine

There are stories swirling via the internet, Twitter, Hot Topics, bla bla bla, and yes here too. But not because, “Oooh…this story is amazing dish”. Rather, because it is shocking that people give a hoot about the following stories. Starting with The Bachelor. Anyone that couldn’t see through that ridiculous shit-eating grin of Jake Pavelka‘s is insane. His “poor me”, starry-eyed, Joker-face complete with crocodile tears was cringe-worthy. And when he chose that skank Vienna Girardi, well, at that point who cared what happened to either of them. And to find out they split up? Gee…now there’s an unexpected twist.… Read More »