Posts Tagged «Michelle Obama»

The End of Political Correctness
The expression “politically correct” or “political correctness” can be traced back to 1920s Germany, when communist academia sought to impose their views on students. The term became more frequently used in the 1960s and 1970s by suburban bleeding-heart liberals, feminists and progressives who were intent on impacting the media, while leaving an emotional imprint on the Baby Boomer generation. … Read More »

How do you like our I MEAN WHAT PARTY flag? Please note that we reversed the stripe and made them vertical… because they are slimming! … Read More »

Jordan Betten – Lost Art & McGuire
Over three hundred of the most diverse, lovely people poured in waves throughout the evening to enjoy the booze, food and exceptional live performance by artists Chrissy Lancaster & Alison Clancy, who recently performed for Barack & Michelle Obama.… Read More »

Just wanted to congratulate Beyoncé on her return to the stage this weekend at Revel in Atlantic City. Even Michelle Obama went to see her. These videos show her process from birthin’ babies to boogying back on stage. Just wanted to wish her the best. httpv:// SCENE FROM DAYS OF KIM’S LIVES…ALL OF THEM: THE BEYONCÉ KONUNDRUM KHLOE: What’s with the luggage? Where do you think you are going? KIM: London. KHLOE: London? For what? KIM: Kanye is going to tour in Europe and Jay Z and Beyoncé just rented a house there for the summer. KHLOE: Our season has… Read More »

Animal prints are the new fatigues. There’s a war on. Several actually. But as of yesterday, the newest, scariest war kicked into high gear with a statement from the White House that sent shivers down my spine. In an interview with iVillage, Michelle Obama rambled this quote when asked what television shows Sasha and Malia watch. “Barack really thinks some of the Kardashian – when they watch that stuff – he doesn’t like that as much,” she said, “but I sort of feel like if we’re talking about it, and I’m more concerned with how they take it in –… Read More »

The “Buck Stops Here” Bag
Politicians are like an “IT” bag, and each season, there is a new “must-have”. This Presidential season is going to be the Chanel of wind bags. You find me one candidate for President of the United States, present company and President included, that is not prone to hypocrisy, and I will pay you money. Seriously, this is a one time offer, as I am not a betting man. No one on Earth can present the case for a candidate who does not talk out of both sides of their mouth and other orifices, in order to please the masses.… Read More »

Michael Kors To Wed
Congratulations Michael Kors and his soon be be spouse, Lance LePere. Lord knows I wish all gays happily ever after my hope is that gay marriage statistics kicks straight marriage in the ass. This year, up to 50% of straight marriages will end in divorce. So gays? Listen up. Stay put. Otherwise, this is my feeling of gay marriage now that it is official in New York. Look, if Iowa can get the gay marriage thing together, so, indeed, should every state in the union. And that includes Minnesota, where Michelle and Marcus Bachmann have proven that gay weddings do… Read More »
Kobe “Where’s The Beef” Bryant
Kobe Bryant did the unthinkable. In a moment of heated passion and utter annoyance at a play on a basketball court, he spewed the two words that no homosexual likes to hear. This quickly became GLAAD’s call to arms, rainbow flag in hand, crying (with tears) foul. There was a time that simply the F-word was taboo extraordinaire on the courts with penalties mounting as the inner city kids were taking over the sport. This recent Kobe-Gate multiplies the drama times two because when he screamed F**cking Fa**ot, he was not just whistling Dixie. It was a double entendre and… Read More »

UPDATE March 8, 2011: It’s official: black IS back! Don’t believe me? Check out the dark mood at Chanel. We all know that Karl Lagerfeld rules the fashion roost worldwide. So, if Karl says “Black uber alles” then so it is. And, from the looks of his somewhat over stuffed collection, black is here and hopefully to stay. When I say overstuffed, I mean the quilted, unflattering jumpsuits that will never live on the streets, but just in the magazines. For now, I am reveling in Black Power! March 7, 2011: For the past few seasons, fashion editors have been… Read More »
Oil Of Oy-Vey
There is little I can say about the catastrophe that is under way in the Gulf of Mexico, besides how upsetting it is. Am I furious at British Petroleum? Of course, AND because I am not Sarah Palin…who is surprisingly silent at this time. Am I going to sit here and complain about Barack Obama? You betcha. But only for a minute, because it was not his fault that this happened. It is his lame, passive response that has me up in arms. And where is Michelle, besides on the pages of every style blog? She needs to get her… Read More »