Posts Tagged «The HUffington Post»

Seems like Gross Baboon alum, Rush Limbaugh is back at it again, blabbering, blubbering and saying stupid stuff. What else is new? Can we finally boybott this disgusting creature and put him out of commission once and for all? This cross-addicted Oxycontin addict has the balls to trash Hillary Clinton on his toothless-people-only-listeners radio show. The fat Gross Baboon actually said, “You can almost say folks, that Mrs. Clinton worked very hard throughout her whole life and has reached a pinnacle, and all she is is a secretary,” he said laughing. “She’s a secretary of defense,” he added. Limbaugh then… Read More »

I love that famous quote from Francis Ford Copola’s Apocalypse Now, “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.” And I am reminded of that very quote this morning as I read about all the backlash against Rush Limbaugh after he stuck his and everyone on Fox News’ feet in his mouth. Oh and a few Republican Presidential hopefuls as well. Yes, you Mitt & Rick. I have been a Rush hater for years and was reading through my older entries and came upon a starting revelation from January 2010. It was my shock and awe how the liberal… Read More »

Bummer! AMI, that high-brow publisher news sources such as the Star and Radar Online have backed off the Kardashian Khronicle. Just when I was so looking forward to curling up in my leopard print, fire-retardant Kardashian Snuggie from Sears to catch up on all the lovely (fake) stories that Kris Jenner wanted me to read. Shucks, back to Joan Didion and Chelsea Handler. The news is that Kris was acting like the Momager Bitch From Hell and demanded 100% control of editorial content. “AMI chief David Pecker made it clear that there was no way he was going to tell… Read More »

Kim Kardashian Barbie Doll
Look, I don’t have much time with the intermittent Internet issues here in Tulum, Mexico but when I spotted this item on The Huffington Post (which I finally accessed for the first time in days) I thought, WTF?!? Kim Kardashian sent out a series of tweets on Christmas evening, including two messages to the official Twitter account of Barbie. “Merry Christmas Barbs @BarbieStyle! Long time no see! What did Ken get you for Christmas? Miss you doll!” she wrote to the social media account of a fictitious plastic toy. When the toy became sentient and responded, Kardashian added, “I’m sure we… Read More »
As an aging beauty, well, aging anyway, I am forever on the prowl for amazing moisturizers. My mother taught me at an early age to slather on the moisturizer. She was a Ponds Cold Cream and Helena Rubinstein addict. I guess my tendency for addictions comes from her. I have spent the last 30 years going from one moisturizer to another, since Helena Rubinstein went out of business, and left to my own devices. Until last year, I had been using Queen Helene Grape Seed Extract Skin Firming Cream, until that was taken off the market. I snapped up every… Read More »
As a unpaid, happy contributing blogger to The Huffington Post, the latest update is that Arianna Huffington is standing her ground about continuing to feature unpaid bloggers. I received an email trying to get me to enroll in the initiative to make HuffPo pay for every word, but truth be told, I would not want to make any waves. I love being a contributor and support those writers who want to get paid. It’s interesting times in the blogosphere.… Read More »
There are things that happen in life that I call God shots. This is when Mother Nature proves her strength and man is brought to his knees. It gives us pause to remember how fleeting life is and to value every moment and appreciate our time on Earth. This morning reading The Huffington Post, I was overwhelmed with sadness for the people of Japan affected by the earthquake. I lived through the Northridge Earthquake in Los Angeles back in 1994, and was woken up by the monstrous sound of moving Earth coupled with the crashing of shattering glass. Sure, I… Read More »

Something wonderful happened in the aftermath of writing that story, What The Gap Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love. The next day—after my article had gone viral…… Read More »
Who Took The Bow At Dior?!?
In what is clearly the most insurmountable public relations snafu on Earth, well, fashion Earth anyway, Christian Dior was challenged to stay the course and host their fashion show today in Paris in spite of the debacle that is John Galliano. The above picture features the staff from Dior ateliers, who took the final bow at the show. This is the most fantastic, emotional, democratic, loving way to handle such an awkward moment and to thank those who attended the show. Yesterday The Huffington Post asked its zillions of readers whether or not the Dior and John Galliano shows should… Read More »

A while back I wrote a piece for The Huffington Post called Mistresses Anonymous. The inspiration for the article was in response to an item in Page Six about Jamie Jungers, the first in a series of hookers from Tiger Woods fame. Anyhoo, the gist was that Jamie was trying to hook up (for lack of a better term) with Sarah Symonds, the ex-hussy who Gordon Ramsey dilly-dallied (or is it diddle-daddled) with for seven years. Sarah had started a 12 Step Program called Mistresses Anonymous in an effort to help those who are powerless over rich, older men. Gotta… Read More »