Here is a picture of Madonna kvelling (beaming with pride in Yiddish) for Lourdes. So cute but...
Oh Madonna, Madonna, Madonna. Madge, Madge, Madge. You are making me all fatootzed (confused in Yiddish). I am soooo not feeling the Material Girl–brought to you by Macy’s–thing at all. I know, through Kabbalah, you are like officially Jewish now. But that does not mean you have to automatically go into the schmatta business. And does Lourdes need to have a career at thirteen years of age? What’s wrong with a Bat-Mitzvah at Leonard’s of Great Neck and some dance classes? I know, you are a great mother. But I am not so sure that you are a real Jewish mother? A good Jewish mother raises their daughter to be a princess and expect everyone to do everything for them. Work…is a four letter word to that crowd. What you might do is explain to Lola that her obsessive phone calling will be put to good use when she becomes a publicist…like a good Jewish girl. Anyway, one thing is to instill a sense of responsibility to your child, but it seems like Lourdes is suddenly multi-tasking between polishing up on Conversational French, her acting debut in your film about King Edward VIII, and her new fashion stint with you at Macy’s. Frankly, I am exhausted just thinking about it. Is this your way of rolling-out the Lola brand? Fotz.

Like mother, like daughter, like daughter, like mother. Two peas in a pod.
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Madonna is my favourate star.No body to beet her in looks.
Her songs drive you up the wall.long live Madonna
i like your blog. xo
Get over yourself!!! it was Lola's idea for the clothing line in the first place!!
her daughter is very talented when it comes to fashion and Madonna is being a very good mother in supporting her and helping her with her dreams.
hey, that's funny, she works out so much she looks like a worn tree limb, but she's still got a belly..old fart shoulda never been born
[…] Lola Ciccone has hit her own zeitgeist. She now has a clothing line, a blog, and is a self-proclaimed style maven. The question is: Will Lola revamp the Material Girl look that her Momma made famous umpteen millions years ago? Is that look relevant now? Hey, I thoroughly support and admire anyone who wants to take the world, head on. When I was Lola’s age, all I could think about was smoking pot and laying in the middle of my school football field, watching the stars come out at night, amazed. And I thought that was being major productive. Well, I had finished my homework. So, what do you think about Look #1? Is this model a bit long in the tooth for it? […]