You can call me a lot of things, but a prude is not one of them. Though this week, having had an earful of utter nonsense regarding these middle-aged, Republican men and their illicit sex romps, I may come off a bit puritanical. Excuse me for acting all Queen Victoria, but I do not need to have the visuals of Mark Sanford, Silvio Berlusconi or John Ensign…naked with some hooker…dancing in my head. And with the amount of attention to these guys have received, it’s there, stuck in my head, and I need to get them out. All the Manzie’s in the world have not been able to shake them loose.
I want to go on record here, on Tuesday, I predicted that Mark Sanford’s disappearance would, in fact, be tied into some unseemly sex scandal. (It was the entry called The Nobodies News, scroll down.) And…well..props…please. What is so astonishing about these men is the blatant disregard to their standing in the world. Sure Berlusconi is so rich, that he feel he’s invincible. But still, who wants to be labeled “skank” as your legacy? It is the same thing with these other clowns. You are being positioned to be a candidate for the Presidency of the United States and off you go gallivanting like some rap star playah? Yoo hoo. Who are these self-deprecating maroons? If I were Republican, my head would be so far down in the sand until this blows over as opposed barking up Obama’s tree trying to promote the Republican agenda. Agenda, don’t flatter yourself. Angina is more like it. Seems like all that platform represents now is overspending, illicit sex, hypocrisy, and worse. We are all human and fallible, and we are expected to make mistakes. It is when the Republicans get on their high horse, spew nonsense, when these indiscretions become unforgivable. It doesn’t do the Republicans any favors. Well, though, it kind of does. The demise of that political party is bringing me great joy. Poof! Ah, there, that awful image of those middle-aged men and their flat asses has just left me.

Yeah Mark, I'd be crying too if I had those sized bags under my eyes. Should have spent the taxpayers money on an eye job rather that trips to South America.
New entry from The New York Times: During the Clinton affair, the governor was not known as a moralist but has frowned on infidelity and as a congressman voted to impeach President Bill Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky affair. “He lied under a different oath, and that’s the oath to his wife,” Mr. Sanford said at the time on CNN. “So it’s got to be taken very, very seriously.” I mean…what?!?

Hey Silvio, what's with the shoe polish on your head. You're 70 years old...we don't believe that's your natural hair color, and neither did those hookers. Keep you pants on, grandpa. Feh!

When gray hair is not considered distinguished.

I'm just sayin'. Remember the Larry Craig debacle? I'm a homosexual and the thought of this man giving head or anything for that matter, gives me the willies.
And gays and lesbians are destroying marriage and families? Really? What about a constitutional amendment for these breeder boys?