Lady Gaga and James Franco will potentially have blood on their hands due to their celebrity headphones.
Celebrity Headphones? Now I’ve heard everything. That’s right. Fashion lines and fragrances aren’t enough for all these Johnny Come Lately celebrities. With Pierre Cardin as their muse, everyone from Lady Gaga to Justin Bieber to Snooki and even James Franco have brandished their names onto high-tech headphones. The interesting news however is the alarming new study that finds traffic deaths and serious accidents among headphone-wearing pedestrians have tripled in the past six years.
According to the study, the number of headphone-related accidents increased from 16 in 2005 to 47 in 2011. This means that more people will die or get seriously injured due to these celebrities that need to see their names on things. Such notables who may find themselves embroiled in a potential manslaughter case are: Dr. Dre, P. Diddy, 50 Cent, LeBron James (what?), Nick Canon, Bono (Lord knows he needs more marketing), Kanye West (natch), Rihanna, the list goes on. What would be fitting is if these cases (which of course, God forbid) end up in Judge Judy’s court.
Whyyyyy! No one wants Snooki headphones! Just an easy way for them to make more money i woould say
Graças a http://www.tvhd.com.br a Sky nunca mais vai ver a cor do meu dinheiro
Waste of money..