Posts Tagged «Snooki»

Rachel Zoe VS Snooki: Style Off
Of Rachel Zoe and Snooki can be in the same sentence when we are talking about style, I have only one question, “Is the end of the world nigh?” … Read More »

Jersey Schnorr
One is pregnant, one is off to rehab, one is freelancing with Britney Spears, one went home to recover from depression, one needs to shut up. Can we just say that MTV’s Jersey Shore is over? So what, Season Six will be filmed at Dr. Drew Pinksy’s Celebrity Rehab with The Situation who discovers that this is a bad situation? Will Snooki be fist-bumping with Giuseppe at Lamaze Classes, or whatever her fiance’s name is? Will JWoww and DJ Pauly go to a singles dance to find new friends? Will Ronnie and Sammi tie the knot, only to find out… Read More »

One of the best quotes from Woody Allen is in the movie Annie Hall when he says, “Those who can’t do… teach, and those who can’t teach… teach gym.” Well, now that Snooki is officially pregnant and engaged, we learn a little more about the elusive Jionni La Valle, Snooki’s manz. LaValle is a wrestling coach for little kids and that he wants to go to school to become a gym teacher. Two peas in a pod that seek their own level.… Read More »

Breaking Newzzzz
With the big news that Rick Santorum does not stand a chance of becoming the Republican nominee in the Race for the White House, much of the other news in the morning papers is more nonsensical than Rick Santorum himself. Sometimes one has to take these bits and pieces of rubbish and share them with his friends. Starting with Miss Piggy, I mean Snooki, pictured above. Word is she is pregnant but in a bind because they just started filming the new reality series Snooki & JWoww, a modern day version of Laverne & Shirley. What could be less interesting… Read More »

What do Snooki and JWoww have in common with Ashley Dupré? Who is Ashely Dupré you ask? How quickly we forget our hookers with a tongue of gold. Ashley was embroiled in the Eliot Spitzer debacle. After that mess, she had a short-lived career as a columnist for the New York Post, naturally, called Ask Ashley, which dealt with everything you wanted to know about being a hooker but were afraid to ask your mother. That lasted long. So after you get booted from the Post, what’s a hooker to do? Open a lingerie shop, of course, and where better… Read More »

A respectful night overall at The Grammy’s except for the few fashion exceptions like robyn, Taraji, Snooky and then some.… Read More »

What do Lady Gaga, Snooki, Bono and James Franco have in common? Celebrity Headphones… now I’ve heard everything. … Read More »

What do Nicki Minaj (again) and Chloe Sevigny and LeAnn Rimes and Snooki and Parker Posey and and and.… Read More »

Snooki Jeans?
I have worked with cool denim brands over the years. Was intimately involved in the launch of the “Baggie Jean” for Sasson, not to mention the iconic “Ooh La La Sasson” campaign in the 70’s. For the past five years have raised the profile of Amsterdam-based G-STAR here in the United States through strategic partnerships and events. This background gives me the right to be in shock and awe after reading that Schnooki, I mean… Snooki is licensing jeans, among 50 or so other categories. Snooki Jeans? Really? First of all Google Snooki – Images and see for yourself, SHE… Read More »

Blake and Chloe, Audrina and Vanessa, Chaka and Phoebe, Nobody and Never Was….they’re all here.… Read More »