Posts Tagged «Justin Bieber»

The Lohaning Of Justin Bieber
From the Abe & Miriam Webster Dictionary of Abeisms: Lohan (Low–as in life– Han) to reduce (an object or career) to useless fragments, or remains, burning, or dissolving (bridges). injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate (credibility). to put an end to or extinguish (career). to kill or slay (career). to render ineffective or useless; nullify; neutralize; invalidate (your everything). to defeat completely (any and all hopes of a comeback). Lindsay Lohan is no longer a just person, or an actress, lohan is now officially a verb. Replace lohan with the word destroy and you will see what I… Read More »

Justin Bieber is embroiled in yet another media flap following his recent visit to the Anne Frank House Museum. The social media furor (no pun intended) that followed his comments written in the guest book has Twitter a twitter with harsh comments and negative criticisms of the nineteen year old mega-superstar. Justin Bieber wrote, “It was truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.” But is that statement really all that insensitive? Let’s break it down. 1. “It was truly inspiring to be able to come here.” The… Read More »

Frank Ocean: Comes Out
Newest “celeb” to march out of the closet is Frank Ocean, an R&B singer, part of the hip hop collective Odd Future and who has also written songs for Justin Bieber, John Legend and Beyoncé. Ocean’s honesty is admirable since he took a risk seeing that the hip hop community continues to struggle with homophobia. Bravo to people like Frank Ocean and Azealia Banks who are proving to those thugs that their backwards antics are so twelve years ago. Needless to say their music is kind of stale, too.… Read More »

What do Lady Gaga, Snooki, Bono and James Franco have in common? Celebrity Headphones… now I’ve heard everything. … Read More »

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go. Especially on the Red Carpets. Winter white, wedding white, white-white, glistening snowflake white, star-bursts brite (shown here) that is best served atop Christmas trees. You name it. Here are several snow bunnies fresh from their winter wonderlands for your perusal. … Read More »

Fashion’s Night Ouch
Don’t get me wrong, I have been a cheerleader for Fashion’s Night Out since the day it was first announced over three years ago. In fact, we rallied retailers that first year as there were plenty of skeptics. Naturally, Anna Wintour prevailed. The 3rd Annual Fashion’s Night Out was a zoo, especially down in the Meatpacking District. So zoo-like, that it was unpleasant in certain spots, with lines to get into stores, blaring dueling DJ’s in the streets and plastic cups strewn on the ground, like a bad weekend street fair. The street activities need some curating, benchmarks, something, because… Read More »

Q: What is hair? A: Hair is probably the most complicated issue of our time. Perhaps second to universal health care…but an issue of the highest, most unprecedented order. Oh, yeah, and then there’s world peace. On second thought, hair is the number one issue for mankind and those other colossal issues follow suit. How can I say that? Well, admit it. You spend more time thinking about your hair than Obama’s heath care plan OR the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Therefore…hair wins…horrendous as that sounds. As a follow up to IMW’s popular The Not Best Dressed List,… Read More »
With the passing of Elizabeth Taylor, there is a hole in the celebrity fragrance market that Justin Bieber can fill with the launch of his new product line, Justin Bieber Scented Dog Tags. Move over Jennifer Aniston with your Lolavie nonsense because The Biebs is here with a fresh take on how to smell. The celebrity fragrance and celebrity designer industry is alive and kicking and Justin’s dog tags are the best of both worlds. It is a fragrance that will spice up your wardrobe, while spicing up the way you smell. It is borderline brilliant in a kitsch kind… Read More »
Rather than go on a vitriol of my own about the tone of this past election cycle, which I am fully convinced is due in large part to the way Sarah Palin ran her personal popularity contest, I’d rather bring a little light and levity to what is now a time for heavy hearts. This weekend, a tragedy of tremense proportions has befallen on Arizona, and the world. Any way you slice it, it was no different than the underwear bomber of last Christmas, and every other recent terrorist act. Acts that are becoming way too commonplace in a world… Read More »
That Spritz Of Bieber
Clearly that well documented photo shoot between Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian for Elle magazine had a lasting impression on the impressionable Justin Bieber. His camp has announced the creation of Eau De Toilette Justin Bieber. Toilette being the operative word. Well, if you think about it, a fragrance for lesbians marketed to tweens is borderline genius. Anyone who is anyone knows about my ongoing issue with celebrity fragrances and why it irks me to no end. The fact remains that the egos of these entertainers has gotten so out of control, that it cheapens their act altogether. Not that… Read More »