At the airport, destination: Reykjavik, Iceland for the weekend.
So, this two-hour check in rule is a crock of shit. Implemented since 9 – 11, it was communicated to us that the extra time was in our best interests as safety regulations were being implemented. Thank you George Bush and Dick Cheyney for your new, improved homeland security detail. Now, here I sit, years later, waiting the hour and a half left before my flight takes off. I realize that all this fear mongering that surrounds airport check-in is part of a Bushian master plan. First you are greeeted by a Muslim woman who looks at your ticket and ID…without looking. Odd. Then off you go to take off your shoes, belt and everyting besides your skivvies. The act of taking off your shoes leaves you feeling so vulnerable as you stand there on that sticky, grey linoleum while your possessions get “scanned” for hazardous materials or Uzis. This, coupled with the illiterate airport security get you so freaked out that the only thing that will settle your nerves is a good bout of shopping. Surely you’ve noticed how new, improved and shop happy the airport waiting areas have become. You can buy anything from Ipods, Rolex watches (just what I need as I jaunt off to Iceland), Mexx clothing (how is this company in business?), DVDs, luggage (huh, didn’t I just check that?), Crabtree & Evelyn, well, just about everything but porn. Anyway, you wouldn’t have to buy that ’cause it’s free in the men’s room…live. We’ve come a long way since the simple tax-free, duty-free shops that only sold cigarettes, booze and fragrances. Call me old fashioned, but less is more.