Forgivenall...when you need to shake off the glommy.
After what was surely the greatest media story on Earth, second to the death of Michael Jackson, The Tiger Woods Affair…rather….affairs, took an unexpected turn when Elin, the long suffering golf club aficionado, reunited with her overly poontanged husband, Tiger. In the midst of that media flurry, when the public was introduced to 13 of the skankiest bitches on the planet, Elin hired an attorney and the prospect of 350 million dollars was surly the best reason to leave her philandering, sex addict of a husband for Sweden’s lake shores. But, the holidays came and went and Elin must have had a change of heart. Why else would she be willing to schlep to Mississippi, land of the non-sex addicts, I guess, to work through the addiction issues with her Tiger. She can never not think about the Gross Baboon of the Year, Loredana Jolie (no relation to Angelina), every time Tiger tries touching her. Lord knows, I am even cringing from the thought of Tiger’s you-know-what after I heard from my source about all the various orifii that Rachel Uchitel, the celebrity / socialite (tee hee) had to submit too while on some lush holiday with the world’s best athlete? And (B) How did a golfer get that title?
What is the biggest tournament Tiger Woods has won this year?