Breaking Newzzz

You have designers like Kris Van Assche and Kris Van Assche showing perfect menswear collections and then there is Thom Browne, using Paris to show his US brand of retardo fashion. Whenever we go there it is never a good thing. Case in point Zac Posen. I don’t even want to go on and on about how pretentious the Thom Browne collection is. I have said it all before and will sadly continue into the future. Browne is so hell bent on replacing John Galliano’s fashion bad boy reputation in light of the him missing from the scene, that it… Read More »

It’s official, gays can get married in New York after a long and weirdly endless slog. So we might say that the men’s shows in Paris is in honor of this historic vote.… Read More »

Word spread like wildfire that Lindsay Lohan was caught with her pants down, well, she had to pull her pants down to pee on a stick so they could test her urine for alcohol content. Well, Lo-han and behold, guess who took a few nips of champagne at her champagne party? Honestly, even jail won’t help this chick. She needs to be slammed in a lock up rehab along with John Galliano. That’s of course if she ever wants to resume some assemblance of a life. Surely the courts will throw the book at her saying that she has squandered… Read More »

Breaking Newzzz

Now that Anthony Weiner has resigned and will soon vanish from the headlines, as the paparazzi and all the haters melt into the sunset leaving him and Huma alone to redefine their relationship, should Weiner still attend Horndogs Anonymous? Let’s face it, there is a 12 Step Program for every possible ailment, from Narcotics, Marijuana, Food, Sexual Compulsives, you name it. See the A-List below from Wikipedia. For some reason, however, Horndogs Anonymous was not included onto their list, probably because there are so few members. I started HA around the time of the Tiger Woods Skank-a-thon, making Tiger the… Read More »
One does not have to go see Green Lantern in order to see that it is a big, waste of time, unless you are 6 years old and like things that light up. That said, if you are 6 years old, chances are you love animals too, so Jim Carrey’s Mr. Popper’s Penquins will probably win the box office in the end. Well, maybe not this weekend, because hype goes a long way in Hollywood. Speaking of which, when will Hollywood ever learn that not everything needs to be made into a big, loud, CGI romp. And just because Avatar… Read More »

Bully For You, Tracy Morgan
I did a piece on Bullying last year, around the time I was on the committee for Stomp Out Bullying. Seems like this conversation will never end so I am hereby reissuing it below. As someone who was bullied, it is my responsibility to continue to speak out against it. In regards to the Tracy Morgan flap, who surely spoke like a douche bag, he also happened to crack a hilarious joke. One of my saving graces during my bullying years was my ability to laugh in the face of danger. Humor is a great weapon against bullies. Bullies are… Read More »

In one word…… Read More »

Devorah Rose By Any Other Name
When that short lived reality show High Society was on television, there was a firestorm of bad press flying around in regards to that cast. Whether it was Tinsley Mortimer or her ex-husband, Paul Johnson Calderon, Jules Kirby or Devorah Rose, they were all lambasted in the media, much for good reason. When it came to Devorah Rose, she could not cut a break, which made her the more sympathetic of the group. Page Six started the Team Devorah vs. Team Tinsley and the color war began. Some people are crowned notorious by the press and never live it down.… Read More »