Plenty More...

If I were a women (shush you) my slogan would be I CAN’T. And when I say I CAN’T, I mean I can’t vote Republican in this–our most critical–election.… Read More »

Juliette Lewis & Musicares
When asked what charity Juliette Lewis would like to highlight on the new, improved I Mean What, Musicares was top of mind. … Read More »

Leave Jay Z Alone
I would also like to know if Barneys has done what they did to those African-American kids to low-rent, mad, white trash. It might be worth an ask.… Read More »

Rape Talk Up
Rape Statistics may be down in the United States but rape talk is up and I do not believe one has anything to do with the other. Surely the reported 4% decrease in forcible rape by the FBI does not excuse the flippant positions of rape taken by these “retarded”–to quote a well placed Republican asshole–Republicans running for Senate and Congressional seats this season. We are talking about an abhorrent violent act and have a hard time thinking about it, no less talking about it. Let alone bringing the term “God willing” into the subject, and let even more alone… Read More »

Cloud Atlas Shrugged
Having completely forgotten about the screening of Cloud Atlas, coincidentally I happened watch outtakes of Lana Wachowski’s poignant speech from the Human Rights Campaign dinner and was struck by her story. It was not the fact of Lana’s transition but the sensitivity and tenderness when she spoke of her life and the challenges of realizing that you are not in the body you are supposed to be in that touched me so deeply. You see, I posted the Lana Wachowski HRC Dinner speech on Facebook then Tweeted it because we all need to hear Lana Wachowski. We may not all… Read More »

How in hell are “waitress moms” or what I’d like to call “the new black moms”–since “soccer moms” are tired and “security moms” are a thing of the past–still undecided? Is serving an Adam and Eve on a raft that perplexing that it has clouded your judgment? Has a Radio on Whiskey Down got you so confused that your current English makes Spanglish and Ebonics seem logical and has thrown you for such a loop that you don’t understand what the candidates are even saying? … Read More »

MARIANNE FAITHFULL: I have had this recurring dream that I am in a dark wooded forest with dripping trees and I am walking up a hill, like I am going into battle. I am a foot soldier walking in the midst of this scene.
ABE GURKO: What are you wearing?… Read More »

Lucky Sperm Club: The Romneys
“Lucky Sperm Club” – Warren Buffett. Yes those are the words of Warren Buffett from an article in The New York Times, “I don’t believe in dynastic wealth”, Warren Buffett said, calling those who grow up in wealthy circumstances “members of the lucky sperm club”. Since the second debate I cannot stop thinking about Mitt Romney and the way he bullied the moderators and continues to disrespect the President of the United States. That smug puss of his looks like he is constantly smelling shit but can not figure out where it is coming from since Mitt Romney clearly thinks… Read More »

Candy @CrowleyCNN kicked a different kind of ass than @MarthaRaddatz but kicked ass just the same. Give me a Binder Full Of Women any day.… Read More »

Debate 2012 is a sham or is it a shame? Leave it up to Americans to place their entire emotional investment–not to mention their futures–on a fleeting moment. The prism of a Presidential campaign encompasses years, not to mention the scope of the careers of our Presidential candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Comparatively speaking, a 90-minute debate is nothing but a fleeting moment. Our society has spiraled down to a Dancing With The Stars while Keeping Up With The Kardashians trajectory that leaves us pacified by our iPhones and numb to the important of reference. The lyrics of the… Read More »