More Bla Bla on "madonna"

Let’s face it, celebrity fragrances are here to stay and the field is getting more competitive as the seconds tick. Kanye West is coming out with one as is Madonna, the world’s greatest marketing expert. Naturally, Lady Gaga can’t miss a day without doing something media savvy, so get ready to smell like Le Hint de Gaga Schtunk. Rumor has it that a Nicki Minaj scent is in the pipeline and betcha my bottom dollar that some Real Housewife is seriously contemplating her options. HSN, here she comes. Hey, if Tovah Borgnine (yes, Ernest Borgnine’s wife) can do it successfully,… Read More »

Do you want to smell like truth OR dare. Because you can’t have both ways. You can swing both ways, but that’s about it.… Read More »

Who’s That Girl?
That is Lola Madonna Leon, all grown up and somewhere to go… Macy’s. Shown here with Kelly Osbourne, the face of Material Girl, Lola was on hand to celebrate the one year anniversary of the tween’s own clothing label. She is so pretty. Awww. How old am I getting? What do you think of some of the looks from Fall Material Girl, girl. Thoughts?… Read More »

Gagging From Gaga
Of all the weeks that Lady Gaga comes out fighting with words against Cathy Horyn, this would not be the one. As Goo-Goo Gaga did her Acting 101 Scene Study class with herself at the VMA’s, she should watch who she goes up against. Cathy Horyn is not, nor will she ever be irrelevant. And though I would love to go on and on about how wrong Gaga is about her, what is shocking in this whole story is that Gaga actually believes that a 15 year old girl is more important or relevant than a sophisticated, world-traveled, educated… Read More »
One does not have to go see Green Lantern in order to see that it is a big, waste of time, unless you are 6 years old and like things that light up. That said, if you are 6 years old, chances are you love animals too, so Jim Carrey’s Mr. Popper’s Penquins will probably win the box office in the end. Well, maybe not this weekend, because hype goes a long way in Hollywood. Speaking of which, when will Hollywood ever learn that not everything needs to be made into a big, loud, CGI romp. And just because Avatar… Read More »

Bully For You, Tracy Morgan
I did a piece on Bullying last year, around the time I was on the committee for Stomp Out Bullying. Seems like this conversation will never end so I am hereby reissuing it below. As someone who was bullied, it is my responsibility to continue to speak out against it. In regards to the Tracy Morgan flap, who surely spoke like a douche bag, he also happened to crack a hilarious joke. One of my saving graces during my bullying years was my ability to laugh in the face of danger. Humor is a great weapon against bullies. Bullies are… Read More »

Steven Tyler Style
Get ready to rock. And I mean rock AND roll over to Macy’s when they launch Andrew Charles, the rocker inspired men’s fashion collection. You gotta love Macy’s. They are snapping up every bit of celebrity and now sub-culture to keep their name relevant in retail news. I was pulled into a meeting with them over three years ago when they were just beginning to scratch their heads for what to do with themselves. Though I was close to a deal, the September 2008 economy hit and it was put on the back burner. So far back, it disintegrated. But… Read More »

The First Annual Manzie of the Year Awards
Now that you are getting the drift of what a manzie is, what better way to honor these bold, confident individuals than by creating the First Annual Manzie of the Year Award? Hereby I have started the list of nominees and invite you to join me by submitting your own suggestions. As New York Fashion Week is just around the corner, the streets will be chock full of manzie’s…in all shapes and sizes…sporting their new fall purchases. We at I Mean..What?!? will be out en force looking for candidates. It’s easy to participate. Simply grab your iPhone, B-Berry or Mino… Read More »

If you thought Star Jones’ circus of a wedding to Al Whatsisname was annoying, hold on to your uber-sponsored hats. The cross-promotional wedding of the century is about to unfold, so stock up on your Dramamine, ’cause a fierce case of nausea is about to ensue. Unlike the wedding of the century last month between Prince William and Kate Middleton, the pending nuptials between Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries will surely reek of C and D list celebrities, lots of flat-ironed hair and enough loose curl extensions to last a lifetime. Needless to say, there will be a run on… Read More »
Last night’s Costume Institute Gala was the New York City version of the Oscar Red Carpet. As Joan Rivers will surely attest this Friday night on Fashion Police, there were hits and plenty of misses. Before I share my best and worst list, I must give a shout out to Stella McCartney. This really was her night. Sure, Sarah Burton was the star of the night politically, but in terms of which designer had the best showing on the glamor-pusses? It was Stella by a mile because she dressed some of the major players of the evening.… Read More »