More Bla Bla on "target"

Gagging From Gaga
Of all the weeks that Lady Gaga comes out fighting with words against Cathy Horyn, this would not be the one. As Goo-Goo Gaga did her Acting 101 Scene Study class with herself at the VMA’s, she should watch who she goes up against. Cathy Horyn is not, nor will she ever be irrelevant. And though I would love to go on and on about how wrong Gaga is about her, what is shocking in this whole story is that Gaga actually believes that a 15 year old girl is more important or relevant than a sophisticated, world-traveled, educated… Read More »

Gloria Allred: Happy At Last
Finally Gloria “Madame” Allred can sleep soundly. After two hundred years of taking on the most high-profile-possible sensational cases to get maximum airtime, comes word that Allred has landed her own Judge Judy type show this fall. We The People With Gloria Allred will probably host her ex-clients, you know, those many hookers with a wallet of gold from cases past. Hopefully, she will have the reunion of all 13 Tiger Woods‘ skanks. Rachel Uchitel, get out your Jimmy Choos.… Read More »

Postcards From Hurricane Irene
The media has caused such a frenzy around Hurricane Irene, that it actually has me thinking twice about my initial plan to stay home with my dogs, read a book and watch Postcards From The Edge. The movie is part of the boxed set of Meryl Streep’s Greatest Hits, which was in the gift bag of the American Film Institute Honors Meryl Streep. This is as good a time as any to crack open the box, and perhaps even crack open a bottle of rosé. My idea of battening down the hatch is cozying up to old movies, stocking up… Read More »

The Marc & Myra Show
Ruth La Ferla of The New York Times Style talks about how prevalent the 1970’s are this fall season. “The ’70s have been revisited time and again in more recent decades, but not with the conviction demonstrated on the runways of late.” Besides in fashion, there are other nods to the period that depict one of the most creative eras in New York’s history. Ruth also mentions The Marc & Myra Show on Sirius Radio, a radio show that features Studio 54 survivors, Marc Benecke (doorman) and Myra Scheer (keeper of the VIP List), who worked at the infamous club.… Read More »

Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, If there’s seventeen million at heart. You can go to extremes with impossible schemes, You can laugh when your dreams go right into the bank. The song Young At Heart keep popping up in my head after seeing this cover of People magazine with Kim Kardashian on the cover. My question is: Why wasn’t the first photo of the happy couple… the happy couple? Ahh, should we read between the lines? Or are the revised lyrics of the song (above) telling enough.… Read More »

Lady Gaga: Looking Like A Lady
Lady Gaga is a dichotomy. She is the sum of two totally different parts. She is the only person who can land on The Not Best Dressed List and be acknowledged as looking fierce on the same day. Entertainment Weekly reported that Lady Gaga paid a visit to Springfield to do a guest spot on The Simpsons. She looks fantastic channeling Ursula Andress. Whenever she dresses like a lady, she looks great. When she becomes a cartoon of herself, then fotz. Wonder what the real cartoon version of Gaga will be.… Read More »

Lindsay Lohan In Alice Temperley
Y’all know that I am a huge supporter of Lindsay Lohan, correct? Whatever the trials and tribulations, I always gave her the benefit of the doubt. Today—though I did hear some delicious gossip about Lindsay while she was in Santa Barbara this weekend. Forget it, I am not a yenta—I take pause with her choice of wedding ensemble. First of all, isn’t it a rule of thumb to not wear white unless you are the bride? Wasn’t that what started the huge cat fight last season on The Real Housewives of New York City? And that incensed the drunk one.… Read More »

Leigh Lezark: The Emperor’s New Sourpuss
Just when we thought it was safe to get out of the water, that the celebrity-turned-fashion-designer trend was coming to an end—hello Sarah Jessica Parker—comes news that fashionista-slash-DJ Leigh Lezark, part of the trinella of sourpusses, the Mishapes, is doing a mini-collection for H & M at Selfridges in London. So, what, now all you need to do to become a fashion designer is know how to borrow clothes? The requirements have gotten so much easier. Surely pretty, and clearly not stupid, Lezark has made a career out of not smiling while standing behind a turntable flanked by two grumpy… Read More »

Carrie Fisher has had a “big, loud life”. Well, not anymore. Yesterday Carrie achieved her goal of losing 50 pounds, thanks to Jenny Craig. Here she is in all her glory looking like she did twenty years ago, when we first met. As an ex-fatty, I know too well the trials and tribulations of having to lose a third of your body weight. In my junior year of high school I dropped 60 pounds on the Dr. Atkins Diet. So, when Carrie set out to take back her life and her youthful figure, it was a joy to cheer-lead her… Read More »

This is it kids… the wedding of the century. Century 21 maybe. There has been more hype about the wedding of Kim Kardashian to basketball hottie Kris Jeffries than, well, not quite the recent royal one. If Mamma Bear, Kris Jenner had her druthers, her daughter’s wedding would kick Kate Middleton and Prince William‘s in the arse. And for this wedding, it is all about the arse after all. When Kim Kardashian had to uninvite 50 guests due to lack of space, I wondered. “How and who and what?!?” In a time when our economy is dithering, and Republicans are… Read More »