Posts Tagged «Chanel»

Chanel Beyond
This Chanel model looks like the love child of Glenn Close and Tilda Swinton.… Read More »

If ever there is a moment to get your look together, it is for the Chanel fashion show in Paris. Here Katy Perry managed to look horeene. Loose that Smurf hair already girl. See below how her ex is fairing these days and clearly we can see why they were together in the first place.… Read More »

More Couture For Your Pleasure
The more I looked at the Chanel Fall Couture show the more I like it for reasons of my own. Not that those chunky boucle looks won’t cover up a chub chub, which is a good thing, but more because as fashion leaders, Karl and Coco Chanel have/had the burden to move people forward in what they wear. For Karl, he is taking women a step back to a more sophisticated, elegant time when Hoochie Mama’s did not exist. What so many starlets wear these days is probably enough to make Coco Chanel turn in her grave. The somber quality… Read More »

Couture? Are You Sure?
Next week, Paris plays host to Couture Week where several extraordinary fashion designers will present their collections to a plethora of extremely wealthy women. The landscape of the Couture shows is ever changing to include a crop of new, younger designers such as Alexis Mabille, Ann Valérie Hash and Alexandre Vauthier. The world’s favorite couture collections by Chanel, Dior (sans actual designer), Givenchy and Valentino will surely be the highlights of the week, while the new guard will be out in force, hoping to snag the spotlight. The good news is that there is a rise of couture customers because… Read More »

Resort Collections Resort To This
When the economy took a nosedive that fateful Fall of 2008, an emergency meeting of the CFDA was called at the FIT Auditorium. There was a moving sense of togetherness that brought all the most powerful fashion titans and icons to their knees and admit, “What the hell are we gonna do?” Many suggestions were made from curtailing shipping too early so that retailers would refrain from early mark downs to limiting images released on the internet. Those went over like a lead balloon, but they were sorta good ideas. One of the exciting turns of events since then has… Read More »
Just when you thought it was safe to step out of your Jimmy Choos, or slip off your Chanel Haute Couture sheath, or girdle your way out of that contraption, yes you Beyonce, or even peel off those teeth-hurting, sugary Marchesa confections (you know my opinion of the word confection as an adjective for a dress) comes the second half of my Not Best Dressed List from the Costume Institute Gala from Monday Night. Of course no one is safe. I am not alone in saying that this year was lackluster. Expectations ran high with Alexander McQueen being the subject… Read More »

Karl Lagerfeld For Magnum…Yikes Or Eek
httpv:// Last night at dinner, my friends and I got into a heated discussion on the difference between “yikes” and “eek”. These are two of my favorite expressions, with eek being the more recent entry to the list of Abe-isms. They both apply to various situations that express discontent with a situation or person. When using yikes, there must have a hint of humor in the situation at hand. Celebrity fashion designers are yikes. Whereas some celebrities, like Charlie Sheen, are an eek. Comprendevous? Anyhoo, speaking of yikes and eek, I watched one of the Karl Lagerfeld videos for Magnum… Read More »
Hot off the rumor mill! Riccardo Tisci is replacing John Galliano at the House of Dior. Really? But Carine Roitfeld will be the resident stylist. Double really? As you know, I am all about Haider Ackermann, and my suggestion was for him to replace Galliano. But the world surely does not revolve around me and what I think. Anyhoo, I’d like to think that Haider has an unofficial deal in place with Karl Lagerfeld to follow him at Chanel, so why go to Dior? Especially with all the fashion bitches, claws out, ready to trash next season’s collection, no matter… Read More »

UPDATE March 8, 2011: It’s official: black IS back! Don’t believe me? Check out the dark mood at Chanel. We all know that Karl Lagerfeld rules the fashion roost worldwide. So, if Karl says “Black uber alles” then so it is. And, from the looks of his somewhat over stuffed collection, black is here and hopefully to stay. When I say overstuffed, I mean the quilted, unflattering jumpsuits that will never live on the streets, but just in the magazines. For now, I am reveling in Black Power! March 7, 2011: For the past few seasons, fashion editors have been… Read More »
Couture For The Weary
Yesterday I reported on that which was yikes from the Spring Couture Collections in Paris. Here are a few more entries to round out my overview on what not to wear. First of all, Chanel was kind of boring. That said, a good editing was in order because 67 looks was not necessary. Besides that, the few other couture houses, and I use the term loosely, were simply bla. Not much else to say really because pictures say a thousand words.… Read More »