Posts Tagged «style»

During my day of reflection, quietly noticing the world around me, I began to get really annoyed at the amount of attention being thrust on the people who brought down our economy. I am officially over the AIG news, Bernie Madoff, Timothy Gietner, Larry Summers, Republicans and anything that reeks of greed. Just over it. And while I’m at it, I wish Barak Obama would go and sit behind his desk for a week and avoid interviews as opposed to going on the talk-show circuit to promote his stimulus plan…a.k.a. future book. Oh, and while I’m really at it the entire… Read More »

It takes the loss of someone we barely know, if at all, to put things in perspective. I am reminded that life is so fleeting, that we are here for such a short time to have our impact, to make our statement, to be a good person, to be generous, kind and considerate. This is what we hear about Natasha. So for today, I am not going to go on and on about the ills of the financial world, or dish anyone’s upper lip augmentation. I am going to be still and remember that today is all I have. And… Read More »

Aww, poor babies. Did it hurt when the SEC yanked the silver spoon out of your ass? Andrew, Mark (and Mommy Dearest, Ruth) are trying to act like innocent bystanders, victims of their own circumstance. I ain’t buyin’ it. These boys are like the thousands, if not millions of spoiled rich kids, who on their own merit could not make a hill of beans out of themselves and resort to working for Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. And then, when that doesn’t pay enough for what they think they are entitled to, they run to Mommy, Mommy, Mommy for chunks of dough… Read More »

What’s with all the attention being thrust on CNBC, that stupid little, wanna-be-important, financial TV news service based in Fort Lee, New Jersey…the what…financial capital of the world? Is enough ever going to be enough? This putz Rick Santelli is enjoying every last minute of coverage he’s getting…insults and all…’cause remember, any press is good press. And that Senator Jon Kyl (Republican barf) is no better. These two clowns are implying that the AIG payoffs are “no big thing”. The only no big things here are the size of your dicks. ‘Cause surely they have little dicks, which render them… Read More »

These two are pretty awesome. Attorney General of New York Andrew Cuomo put the pedal to the metal yesterday for those crooks at AIG and as of 4:28PM was issuing subpoenas to those who were planning to ignore the national outcry against the multi-million dollar bonus fest. He is demanding the list of proposed recipients of the dough, their job descriptions at AIG, and copies of their “contracts”. You know, those things are are usually meant to be broken, except in the case of these AIG scumbags…’cause we all know…that the rules don’t apply to those creeps. I mean…what?!? Get… Read More »

Look, far be it from me to tell anyone what to do…but when you think about how many friggen kooks there are strolling the planet, I for one, would surely not want to be an AIG employee caught in the quagmire of some crackpot that’s decided “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” and go on a friggen rampage at your offices. So, might I suggest that you people cave. Cave, bitch, cave. Don’t take that money and run. Just run. Run for the hills. ‘Cause if you ignore this nationwide outcry…I would surely… Read More »

Now that Bernie is off to the slammer, it’s all about his lovely wife Ruth, who I bet is so far up the ass of this Ponzi scheme that she can’t breathe. I’d like to first note that her cheeks and forehead look fierce. I will bet HER bottom dollar that she has the same injectibles as Madonna. Come on. First of all, I have looked in every article written to date about the Madoff’s and nowhere do they list her age. Bernie is 70. So, then I will estimate her as not much younger. Now for a 65-70 year… Read More »

Here are the leading perpetrators of hawking way too much Republican manifesto blabber, and they need to stop. Better, they need to shut the fuck up while we try to calmly navigate through the uncharted waters of getting this country through an unprecedented financial crisis, the largest in our lifetime. I am not eloquent enough to go on and argue the Democratic side now populating the bloviator news channels, but what I do know (as a layman) is that whatever these clowns were saying over the past eight years DID NOT WORK and a big reason why were are where… Read More »

As we say goodbye to that ugly fuck Bernie Madoff (and hopefully his wife, sons and anyone else involved) I thought it fitting to Kumbaya together and sing this lovely song. What better way to send off to the Wicked Witch of the Upper East Side than with these lyrics to “Bye Bye Birdie”, once sung by the achingly beautiful Ann Margaret. Bye Bye Bernie No one will miss you so; Bye Bye Bernie, Glad they made you go? No more Ponzis, It’s grabbed you by the nuts; Don’t cry Bernie, Just cause you’re a putz. I’ll miss your ugly… Read More »

Excuse me while I stick my fingers in my ears and, “La la la la la la la la la la la la la la.” Who can listen to all this endless Rihanna drama? Like this and Oct-O-Mom stories are what we have been relegated to at a time when there’s so much turmoil around the world. And no, I don’t mean the friggen economy….cause, la la la la la la to that too. Isn’t there something horrendous going on in Darfur that we should be discussing or how about what’s really going on at the Mexican border. Yikes. I… Read More »