Posts Tagged «Twitter»

Here is the map of America that Twitter posted showing “where evil lives”. All those red dots represent the locations where the most racist horrendous remarks came from via Twitter on the night of the election. One can imagine these kinds of racial slurs were also prominently heard in the local pubs and at White Supremacist meetings. Naturally I could not resist labeling the overall map with the official title, Gross Baboons, and enjoyed breaking it down even further into the various group of lunatics and shit heads. Notice I pointed out two such tragic creatures, Peter Brant II (the… Read More »

What started out as pure innocent fun–rating chicks on college campuses–has mushroom-clouded into a serious business or more accurately, a massive, mishmash of mass-marketing mush. Sprinkle that with a plethora of celebrities spewing pearls of their newly acquired wisdom leaves us with a mosh-pit of “visual white noise”. Our in-boxes are stuffed with promotional opportunities, must-haves, pictures of C-List celebrities wearing Designer X on a red carpet, and news flashes that feature nothing new.… Read More »
Robyn Will Perform at H & M
Pop sensation, Robyn will be at H & M (of all places) performing an acoustic set on Sunday, June 19 at noon. If you have not seen her perform, she is really great and though it might be a zoo, it will be worth it. If you want to win a Robyn CD, Sally Field us on IMW Facebook and write on the wall “I Lerve Robyn”. A handful of winners will be selected at random after the performance and announced on FB and Twitter. get your social media on. Good luck, start lerving. Special thanks Universal Music.… Read More »

Weiner’s Plan Was To Boot Palin From The Headlines
Gotta hand in to the Democrats. When none of the Republican presidential hopefuls like Mitt Romney or John Whats-his-name could grab one headline from the Sarah Palin and her Catch Me Catch Me Tour, Anthony Weiner came up with a brilliant plan with the Democratic National Committee in an effort to diminish Palin’s rising star. Weiner-Gate is a complete fabrication—from the crotch shot to the titty shot. Weiner’s plan was to create this scandal and pull the trigger when it was looking like Sarah’s cutesy clueless act was winning over the hearts and minds of the people and more importantly,… Read More »
Social Media Climbers
The sad truth is that the social media landscape has become overpopulated with social media climbers. What started out as a perfectly communal idea, well, rating chicks on college campuses, but beyond that, keeping in touch with friends and making new ones, has turned into a massive mass marketing mess. Sprinkle that with a slew of celebrities spewing nonsense, and what is happening is something I call “visual white noise”. Facebook and Twitter are dissolving into one long ad roll. There is no doubt that CBS-TV is hoping that Ashton Kutcher will suck up to his millions of Twitter followers,… Read More »
Guess Who? Well, Not Lady Gaga For Sure
Awww, Guess. Come on kids, all together now. Awwww. The staff at the Guess store in Miami were all a Twitter, literally and figuratively when Lady Gaga and her entourage, correction, Lady “look-alike” Gaga went into the store and starting trying on a bunch of outfits. Well, you could have shut Alina Hauptman‘s mouth…or not. Alina, the PR rep for Guess Miami, as in I guess they need one down there, breathlessly sent out a press release about Our Lady of Gaga shopping in the store on her birthday, no less, as screaming fans flocked around her in excitement. “The… Read More »
Thanks to Twitter, Marc Jacobs now knows the downside of Social Media. Some intern had the quintessential bad first job experience and Twittered about how horrendous Robert Duffy is. Look, I am sure he is no picnic, but who is? It sounds like this boy, fresh out of college and being mollycoddled his whole life, could not figure out how to deal with the real world. There are studies after studies showing that the Baby Boomer parents have raised a generation of the neediest, spoon-fed, car-pooled tangerines. When kids get into the work force, they are overwhelmed for not being… Read More »
Death By Twitter
So someone Tweeted that Owen Wilson died today in Switzerland of an accident on a ski slope while snowboarding. We heard the news, went to the internet only to find out that it is not true. So is this what Twitter is good for now? Inaccurately declaring the death of actors? Like it isn’t bad enough that we have been reduced to 140 characters to communicate, now it’s the way to spread evil viscous lies? Let me tell you something, one of these days, someone will really get hurt as a result of some sick fuck who gets a kick… Read More »
Twitter Silence = Death
Congratulations Alicia Keys. Not only are you multi-talented, beautiful, a mom, a mentor, a philanthropist, a superstar, a wife, a sista soldja, phew, but your campaign to raise One Million Dollars, launched on World AIDS Day to benefit Keep A Child Alive has been achieved. You can now rest easy that you have more than carved your way into heaven. The campaign was based on killing off the digital lives of celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Ryan Seacrest, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Khloe Kardashian, Lenny Kravitz, Jay Sean, Swizz Beatz, Serena Williams, Elijah Wood, Janelle Monae, Nikki… Read More »

Kanye West: Put A Sock In It
NEWS FLASH: KANYE WEST’S PENIS SNUBBED BY PLAYGIRL Pictures of Kanye West‘s penis were allegedly pitched to Playgirl and in a twist of fate, the magazine passed on the offer. So what are you now Kanye, the next Kelly Bensimon from The Real Housewives of New York City? Can someone please stuff a sock in Kanye West‘s mouth? Kanye fell from grace having opened his pie hole at the VMA Awards and stealing the thunder from Taylor Swift for winning Best Song. He actually took it upon himself, with his over blown ego, to determine who should have won that… Read More »