Posts Tagged «Yu Tsai»

Breaking Newzzzz
With the big news that Rick Santorum does not stand a chance of becoming the Republican nominee in the Race for the White House, much of the other news in the morning papers is more nonsensical than Rick Santorum himself. Sometimes one has to take these bits and pieces of rubbish and share them with his friends. Starting with Miss Piggy, I mean Snooki, pictured above. Word is she is pregnant but in a bind because they just started filming the new reality series Snooki & JWoww, a modern day version of Laverne & Shirley. What could be less interesting… Read More »

Lindsay & Shirley
Sung to the tune of Laverne & Shirley One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Shapiro, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated. She’s gonna do it. Give her any chance, she’ll take it. Give her any rule, she’ll break it. She’s gonna make her dreams come true. Doin’ it her way. Will she go, won’t she go. I have a headache. Any way you slice it, the media is hanging on Lindsay Lohan‘s every move anxiously awaiting for her to speak. And just who she will she be spilling her guts to, besides her Twitter followers? Surely she has locked in some… Read More »

Produced for IMW-TV… Read More »
Anatomy of a Lindsay Lohan Hater
The whole experience of releasing the Muse Magazine images of Lindsay Lohan, shot by Yu Tsai, was an unbelievable experience in understanding the Anatomy of a Lindsay Lohan hater. There were plenty of them, who sent me hateful or angst ridden emails, about why she should not have done the photo spread, as well as others who blamed me for her career choices. Please note: that 99% of these kooks were linked to me from Fox News. I kid you not. Most of the time I just deleted these comments, and sometimes I responded via the public forum. But the… Read More »
10 Things To Be Grateful For
Sure, the lackluster economy does not top the list. Nor does the endless coverage of Tiger Woods and his barrage of hookery-tramps. Today it is all about taking a deep breath and thinking back to what you have to be grateful for. Though this year was turbulent, your job is to identify where there was joy. Gratitude lists are very personal, and since I feel so close to many of you (except those kooks who were obsessed with Lindsay Lohan), herewith is my list. I urge you to make your own, because as the year comes to an end, it… Read More »

httpv:// Ladies and gentlemen, and hypocrites of all ages. Step right up and peruse these images of Lindsay Lohan. You know you want to. You know you can’t resist looking, then taking the time to make comments that show much you really do care…though your words say otherwise. As we all know, actions speak louder than words. So, just to be clear, Lindsay is not “fugly”, on the contrary. Lindsay is not sad, on the contrary. And no this photo shoot was not a career “mistake”, on the contrary. For whatever reason, Lindsay Lohan is one of the most controversial… Read More »
Will there ever be enough said about Lindsay Lohan? Probably not. Since I mentioned the Muse Magazine shoot on Saturday, the internet has been agog with comments and fury. The stream of endless random people venting on that which is “appropriate” for Lindsay is mind boggling. And these kids don’t kid around. There is absolute conviction as to: What she should do to reestablish her career. Who she should and should not be photographed with. Her role as poster child for GLBT Community (yikes). Relax everybody. This as a photo shoot. Read the item in today’s Page Six of the… Read More »
Lindsay Lohan Exposed
This is one of those weeks where things land on my lap with no rhyme or reason, and it is all beyond hilarious. My friend, Yu Tsai, an amazing photographer & film maker shot an 18-page spread for Muse, a Milan based Fashionart magazine. The beautifully shot and lit spread features Lindsay Lohan, Petey Wright and Sofia Boutella in one sexy photo shoot inspired by Kate Moss and Johnny Depp circa early 1990’s. It’s a amazing art piece. Over the next few days, you will see more images revealed to the press, and then finally a beautiful two-minute video from… Read More »