Yesterday, I mentioned that Karl Lagerfeld thinks that only thin people can pull off the Underwear as Outerwear Look that has seized every collection. I received a note from one of my lovely I Mean…What?!? readers. She goes by the name Marketing, and she referred to an old story I did, Underwear is the New Outerwear. Marketing agrees with Karl Lagerfeld and also says, “Many stylish women are wearing more corsets, matched with skirts or pants. Sometimes they even wear one over a simple blouse.” Really? Naturally I was intrigued. My new, dear best friend, Marketing was kind enough to send me a link to easily reference her points and am happy to share the gift with you. Let’s call Marketing by her real name: Lingerie Diva or her alias…Carrie Prejean.

Got a formal to attend? Think no more. Pair this with a floor length ball skirt and wallah.

Animal prints are the rage. Here you can wear a leopard print corset with a mini skirt and out the door you go.

For you more conservative gals, here we have a little Peter Pan collar to wear 'the look' a little more demurely. Fotz.

Everyone in the office liked this polka dot number the best.

Whereas I voted for this one, always opting for the simple black story.

So this is what Marketing was talking about. Can you just see this out and about? Okideer.

Or this get up for entertaining "that certain someone"?

Readers from IMW can learn something new every day. This is a set by Shirley of Hollywood, Frederick's long lost sister. Imagine they ended up in the same business. Such a cute story. Uber-fotz.
Très instructif, merci pour votre post
She is a real hottest model on the planet
[…] Eric Wilson from The New York Times Style did a great piece on an experiment called Six Items Or Less a while back. Heidi Hackemer, an advertising executive and total groovy chic, decided to limit her wardrobe to six pieces, not including undergarments, accessories and workout gear for an entire month. She created a website and challenged friends to join her and within no time 250 people participated in the experiment, which was a massive success in that it was picked up by the mainstream media. Six Items or Less became a statement on where we are in relation to our clothes and was an opportunity to be critical about how we spend, while understanding the value of buying key pieces. But, girl, six pieces? It sounds daunting, and I am not even a clothes horse. Let’s face it…we know the kids from the Jersey Shore could not handle it. The Situation alone go through sixty Ed Hardy t-shirts and thirty pairs of cheesy Armani Exchange bottoms a month. And let’s not even start on Snooki or JWoww because they go through more lingerie looks on any given day than the average hooker with a heart of gold that shops in Frederick’s of Hollywood. […]