Get ready as Heidi Klum says "Auf wiedersehen” from your X-BOX.
Somebody stick a fork in me to see if I am totally cooked. The Story of the Week in Women’s Wear Daily is Fashion Video Games Target Female Customers. How depressing is that? The big news, in addition to the fact that it’s bad news from my vantage point, is that Project Runway is doing a video game. Yes, now you too can have hours of fun booting people out of the house, designing nonsense, and hearing Hedi Klum say “auf wiedersehen” from the comfort of your couch…all day long. Don’t get me wrong, I love Heidi and the TV show Project Runway. But an hour a week is more than sufficient. The goal is to use Project Runway to engage young girls into the gaming industry. The article yattles on about the marketing and cross marketing and vomit branding to engage young women onto the video game culture. Catch this statement:
“Young women who are juniors and seniors in high school, attending college and in their early professional years represent a gap in the video game market. The reasons for their absence are difficult to pin down. There is a tendency to associate video games with men as a manchild,” said Leigh Alexander, news director at video game publication Gamasutra, who has explored gender and gaming issues.
Have you ever heard of such malarkey? There is good reasons why young women are not sitting like a couch potato and playing with an X-BOX. And perhaps that reason is why there are more women in college, and there is a noticeable rise in class performance by young women. One plus one equals two, game heads. When girls are in high school they have far better things to do, including homework, but let’s not forget hanging out in the mall, learning how to apply make-up, social and after school activities. As for boys? They have settled into “manchild” mindset. Yikes. We can only hope that the impact of these girly video games will not chip away at the advancing fiber of young women. This would be yet another reason why I say, the end of the world is nigh.

Just what the world needs, more retail stores opened by couch potatoes.
I am from the era, in a galaxy far, far away, when Pacman and Pong were the rage . Neither really interested me. I was far more interested in sex and drugs, hence I never got into the game thing, though I did love my Atari logo T-shirt. But I digress. The point being, there was so much more to do with my time, besides the recreational drugs, that suited me. Being in the fashion industry then, there were activities to expand your visual reference, I said besides drugs, that included human interaction, conversation, and going into the market. Video games evolved into violent war games, (a multi-billion dollar industry), and that there is a found enjoyment in killing, well, it is just upsetting. Then we see how violent our culture has become which is a testament to the total ignorance of the youth culture and the arrogance of the gaming industry, bottom feeding on this lowest level of mental capacity. I don’t care how sharp these video games make your hand-eye coordination. Surely it is not the only means to improve those motor skills. Getting involved in sports is actually the best way. You hear that, manchild? I MEAN…WHAT?!?