Breaking Newzzz

What do Lady Gaga, Snooki, Bono and James Franco have in common? Celebrity Headphones… now I’ve heard everything. … Read More »

Cameron Diaz… Shrek
What happened to Cameron Diaz? She went from being the darling of the Red Carpet in season’s past to being typecast in Shrek. (Shrek = Horror in Yiddish). Talk about…… Read More »

When I started The Not Best Dressed List, the marketplace was not flooded with Monday morning fashion quarterbacks and mavens. Now its seems that opinions are falling from the trees like leaves in the fall. The Not Best Dressed List is getting drowned out thanks to Twitter and the slew of Johnny Come Lately fashion bloggers and the magazines that have finally surrendered to the Internet. Case in point: Paper magazine’s Mickey Boardman has started his worst dressed list also. How original. Bla bla bla… here are my selects… and plenty of them, I might add. … Read More »

Kardashian Kurse
The lead story in the New York Post says that the Kardashians are over. Those who would pay for their services to host events or grace the covers of magazines are not taking their calls and avoiding them like the plague. Well, no kidding. However, I would like to speak in defense of the Kardashians and go on record to say—though they are endlessly annoying—that you cannot blame them for their meteoric rise to the top of the celebritard heap. Nor can you revel in their gradual demise. That action is as gross if not grosser than what the Kardashians… Read More »

I have been desperately trying to ignore the endless reports about Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s pending divorce. They are so annoying, why add fuel to the flame? Unless you are brain dead, it is hard not be reminded about their failed marriage hence, just how annoying they really are. Sure, I like some of her pop songs, don’t get me wrong, I am an avid Spinner, and that shit works to get you over the hump. But their shenanigans and constant playing to the media is off-putting, at least. Katy may be avoiding the People’s Choice Awards—and by doing so… Read More »

Let’s face it, celebrity fragrances are here to stay and the field is getting more competitive as the seconds tick. Kanye West is coming out with one as is Madonna, the world’s greatest marketing expert. Naturally, Lady Gaga can’t miss a day without doing something media savvy, so get ready to smell like Le Hint de Gaga Schtunk. Rumor has it that a Nicki Minaj scent is in the pipeline and betcha my bottom dollar that some Real Housewife is seriously contemplating her options. HSN, here she comes. Hey, if Tovah Borgnine (yes, Ernest Borgnine’s wife) can do it successfully,… Read More »

UPDATE: Well lookie who just came sniveling and apologizing to the gay community for referring to them as members of the Klu Klux Klan. The man behind the dress, the Klu Klux Klan looking dress, as it were.… Read More »

The newest Bravo reality show proves that some people whose job is behind-the-scenes should remain just that. Case in point: It’s A Brad Brad World, the new reality show starring (and I use the term loosely) Brad Goreski of The Rachel Zoe Project fame (again, loosely used term here).… Read More »

Kim Kardashian Barbie Doll
Look, I don’t have much time with the intermittent Internet issues here in Tulum, Mexico but when I spotted this item on The Huffington Post (which I finally accessed for the first time in days) I thought, WTF?!? Kim Kardashian sent out a series of tweets on Christmas evening, including two messages to the official Twitter account of Barbie. “Merry Christmas Barbs @BarbieStyle! Long time no see! What did Ken get you for Christmas? Miss you doll!” she wrote to the social media account of a fictitious plastic toy. When the toy became sentient and responded, Kardashian added, “I’m sure we… Read More »

Let me tell you what I don’t need for Christmas or anytime soon: a computer that reads my mind. If you know my writing style, well, imagine that is the toned down version from what’s in my head. A mind reading computer sounds way too dangerous for my likings. Come on. Don’t you think we are stepping into dangerous territory? IBM researchers are studying how to link a person’s brain to a device like a smartphone or laptop, “so you would just need to think about calling someone, and it happens.” Imagine how many single women will find themselves between… Read More »