Breaking Newzzz

Ashton’s Gross Baboon
Who’s the biggere douchebag, Ashton Kutcher or Sara Leal?… Read More »

Know it all, Eric Cantor, refers to Occupy Wall Street as a mob. Both Cantor and Glenn Beck are trying to demonize the conscientious people who are doing their best to draw attention to the disparity between Wall Street and Main Street and what is not working in our political and financial systems. Cantor, who looks like a Log Cabin Banana Republican Queen, has become one of the biggest troublemakers on the political landscape. Now, Eric has hit an all time low as he and blabbermouth Glenn Beck sound like lovers. Beck yesterday warned his radio heads that the Occupy… Read More »

Ben & Jerry Occupy Wall Street
Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream wants to acknowledge their support for Occupy Wall Street with a new flavor called Choc-u-pie Wall Street. Now unless they are planning to donate 100% of the sales of that flavor to the cause, then they can take their Earth shoe wearing good intentions and shove off.… Read More »

We are a mournful bunch. We sob uncontrollably at certain people’s deaths with true conviction. Each death, be it a mogul or a celebrity or a nobody for that matter, is a sad day indeed, especially for those left behind. But in light of some of the recent nationwide mourning-fests, I wanted to stop, pause and mourn the mourning. When Steve Jobs died this week, and the outpouring of sadness began pouring onto Facebook, my immediate reaction was, “Yes he was a visionary, only too bad he didn’t make a commitment to the United States and keep as much production… Read More »

A funny thing happened while I was on vacation. Actually, something interestingly strange and wonderful has happened. People all over the United States have been congregating in peaceful demonstrations, most notably on Wall Street in New York City. Perhaps that location is fitting, since we have hit a wall in what we are willing to accept from our politicians and our egregious money-men. There is too much injustice and the knowledge of these injustices, well, to quote Howard Beale from the movie, Network, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Yesterday, Nicholas Kristof posted… Read More »

Dancing With The Stars-ish
I have avoided watching Dancing With The Stars since the show first aired. Having given it a try, I knew that Lawrence Welk and Ed Sullivan had nothing on Tom Bergeron. It seemed that whoever created the show was stuck in a time when family entertainment was so corny that it made your teeth hurt. All the stars, and I use the term loosely here, were desperate enough to do whatever the producers asked them to do, most noticeably, wearing clothes that Gypsy Rose Lee wouldn’t be caught dead in. Last night, as a social experiment, a group of us… Read More »

Mexico Fashion Week?!?
While the Milanese designers have been burning up the runways featuring loud bursts of color and floral prints that make New York’s print war seem as though we have surrendered, Mexico has been hosting their own “Little Mercedes Benz Fashion Week That Could”. By the looks of things, we can safely say that Mexico’s greatest export will remain marijuana for years to come. Well, designer goods surely ain’t it. Several years ago, I met with the IMG when they were first planning to roll out regional fashion weeks across the globe. Now, with a fashion show in every shtetl on… Read More »

Missoni has taken over the airwaves. The overwhelming marketing of the Missoni-Target collection has made me dizzy, perhaps optical illusions and fashion should not go hand in hand. This weekend at a friends house, I used the Missoni (collection) bath towels, which did not dry my hands. The paper thin towels moved the water droplets around but did not fully absorb. Granted, the stripes and colors were fun to look at, but if a towel does not act like a towel then I take issue. The Spring ’12 collection went down the Milan runway and from the looks of things,… Read More »

Emily Blunt For YSL Opium?
What kind of counter-casting is this? Emily Blunt, who granted is a fine actress, and pretty for sure, but the new face of Opium fragrance? Really? Would Yves Saint Laurent have selected her? That’s like Kim Kardashian replacing Madge for Palmolive soap. It is just not a fit. This sounds like a case of, “Help, we need a celebrity to sell this product!” The ads will have Emily laying on a leopard or something like that, but to put it bluntly, she is a bit to freshly-faced to pull it off. As the ex of Michael Bubble and the current… Read More »

In the Golden Days of Hollywood, no one cared about much besides the stars of stage and screen. Tallulah Bankhead, Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn, Clark Cable, the list goes on. Seems like we have graduated (or what’s the opposite of that?) to be far more concerned with the whereabouts and goings on of the lowest of lowbrows of our society. The Nobody Newzzz is back and we have plenty to crow about. Crow as in old crow because the top story this week is about the Salahis. You will remember Michaele and Tartiq Salahi, that couple of Gross Baboons who… Read More »