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What Kanye Doesn’t Like…
A fashion faux pas happens every 1.5 seconds in New York City. Leave it up to the uber-fashion victim himself, Kanye “Me Loves Me A Hootchie Mama” West to calls ‘em as he sees ‘em via Twitter. Seems like Anna West went on a rant about how horeene people dress the other day, and though I may agree with him on some things, one would imagine that he who lives in a glass house might not want to throw stones. More people than not might think that wearing Kim Kardashian as a fashion accessory is questionable… at best. Others would… Read More »

What do you get when you combine a few remnants from Studio 54 plus New York’s premiere Studio Cycling experience coupled with a lot of good intentions? A great charity ride at Soul Cycle 77. I am riding to help raise funds for THE FELIX ORGANIZATION/ Adoptees For Children that provides inspiring opportunities and new experiences to enrich the lives of children who are growing up in the foster care system.… Read More »

In the last episode titled, A Kardashian Kristmas, rumors were swirling that Kim Kardashian was skulking around with Kanye West. Surely not enough time had lapsed from when Kim ended her measly 72-day marriage to Kris “The Dufus” Humphries. Naturally Archangel Kris Jenner, whose sole reason on Earth is to protect her children, while throwing herself into the spotlight whenever possible, frowned at such a union. That Kristmas morning, Kris Jenner, clad in a leopard print bathrobe available at Sears, was nervously cruising the Internet and was horrified at all the negative comments about her family. Hence her frustration with… Read More »

Seems like Gross Baboon alum, Rush Limbaugh is back at it again, blabbering, blubbering and saying stupid stuff. What else is new? Can we finally boybott this disgusting creature and put him out of commission once and for all? This cross-addicted Oxycontin addict has the balls to trash Hillary Clinton on his toothless-people-only-listeners radio show. The fat Gross Baboon actually said, “You can almost say folks, that Mrs. Clinton worked very hard throughout her whole life and has reached a pinnacle, and all she is is a secretary,” he said laughing. “She’s a secretary of defense,” he added. Limbaugh then… Read More »

Days of Kim’s Lives…Not Keeping Up With Kanye Kardashian
So here’s the downside for Kanye Kardashian. Um, that’s it.… Read More »

GLAAD AWARDS UPDATE: Out of the blue, Cher pops out on stage, and apparently was not expected. But, it wasn’t just Cher who appeared on stage like a vision from the gay Gods, but Cher in a Diana Ross wig. I couldn’t breathe. Nor could anyone else.… Read More »

Rumors and reports and innuendo and blather are steaming up the internet about pop sensation, Jessie J and her sexual proclivities. Like I give a clahoon who, what and where she sleeps with… and how. Let me preface this with the fact that some douche bag, Chloe Govan, an otherwise travel writer, wrote a tell-all book about the 24 year-old singer which seems apropos to nothing. In researching this Chloe person I found this lovely kernel, “Whether milking camels in the Middle East or sampling sweet treats at Europe’s biggest chocolate festival, Chloe Govan is always at the heat of… Read More »

Mel Gibson Can’t Keep His Trap Shut
Seems like whatever BP Oil did to close up the hole in the Gulf of Mexico a couple of summers ago did not take with Mel Gibson. Back then I wrote once BP capped the spill to use that same technique on Mel Gibson, when he would not shut up and ranted on and on. Well, perhaps BP knows oil wells but cannot contain Mel “The Nut” Gibson. How on Earth does Hollywood keep hiring this guy? Is there no other talent out there? The fact is, there is, and to support insane lunatics like Gibson is being equally responsible… Read More »

UPDATE: Ted “The Noodge” Nugent continued his antisemitic meets racist rants by spewing these lovely pearls, “I’m a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally.” What does that even mean? I think what he meant to say was that he is a Nazi, who has a hard-on for the Klu Klux Klan and if he had his druthers, he would happily kill all the Jews and blacks. Unless I am missing something. As you can see above, Gross and Grosser are thick as thieves. Sarah Palin loves her some Noodge. The gun toting Grizzly Mom and the Grosser GunNazi make the perfect evil doer couple, don’t ya think?… Read More »

The good news is that Barbie (Barbara Millicent Roberts) is not really running for President of the United States. In fact, Barbie is the first “thing” to have signed up to join the I Mean What Party to Re-Elect Barack Obama. Contrary to today’s news reports—we all know you can’t believe everything you read—there is no way Barbie would for President. She has far more important things to do like lay on the floor in a suburban den. Even more ridiculous is the idea of Ken (Kenneth Carson) as FLOTUS. Can you see it now… Michael Bastian running to dress… Read More »