Posts Tagged «Jennifer Aniston»

Chelsea Lately at the end was no longer all that funny. Rather, it was a crass catch-me, catch me half hour gabfest about how funny she thinks she is coupled with how funny her celebrity friends like Jennifer Aniston thought the was. All the while bragging about her money, fame and acting like her shit officially began to smell like a Hot Pocket.… Read More »

Q. What is a Manzie?
A. A Manzie is not a Pansy or a Dandy. A Pansy doesn’t necessarily dress effeminately in order to be teased by a bunch of blokes. A Dandy dresses like a proper gentleman adding a special touch of avant-garde styling. A Manzie is a guy desperately trying to be “on trend”. He can be a straight man trying too hard to be stylish or a straight-acting-gay guy who acts extra butch to compensate for his quirky fashion choices. Bottom line: A Manzie will wear any of the outfits featured here. … Read More »

Juliette Lewis & Musicares
When asked what charity Juliette Lewis would like to highlight on the new, improved I Mean What, Musicares was top of mind. … Read More »

Let’s face it, celebrity fragrances are here to stay and the field is getting more competitive as the seconds tick. Kanye West is coming out with one as is Madonna, the world’s greatest marketing expert. Naturally, Lady Gaga can’t miss a day without doing something media savvy, so get ready to smell like Le Hint de Gaga Schtunk. Rumor has it that a Nicki Minaj scent is in the pipeline and betcha my bottom dollar that some Real Housewife is seriously contemplating her options. HSN, here she comes. Hey, if Tovah Borgnine (yes, Ernest Borgnine’s wife) can do it successfully,… Read More »

Do you want to smell like truth OR dare. Because you can’t have both ways. You can swing both ways, but that’s about it.… Read More »

Look, up in the sky, its a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Super Nudnik. Oh, excuse me, that’s Sir Super Nudnik. See who else is on The Not Best Dressed List.… Read More »

Brad Pitt: Right On The Moneyball
In a recent interview with Parade magazine, Brad Pitt suggested that his marriage to Jennifer Aniston was not making him happy or fulfilled. Now that is a rare honest comment that makes me like Brad even more. Page Six reports that a Brad backlash is brewing and Jennifer fans are boycotting his new film, Moneyball. Surely you remember the hullabaloo between Team Jennifer & Team Angelina when Brad and Jen broke up because of Angelina Jolie, who went on to become Mr. & Mrs. Smith. The dormant faction of Team Jennifer loyalists laying in wait for moments like this is… Read More »

If anyone needs to hire ID-PR, Slate or 42 West, it is Michele Bachmann. Say what you want about those pushy celebrity publicists, but you will NEVER see a cover shot of Jake Gyllenhaal looking like he is tweaking, or Jennifer Aniston looking like she is plugged into a socket. Granted, celebrity publicists have gotten a “not great” reputation as being bitchy and annoying, but they do their job, and usually very well. There are plenty of not-interesting talent that celebrity publicists get tons of coverage on. I won’t get into it now (January Jones) so I can stay on… Read More »

Couple of weeks ago, with an itch to see a summer film, though the offering so far seems lackluster, we were this close to seeing Super 8 when a review in The New York Times by Manohla Dargis lead us to, of all places, Bad Teacher. According to Ms. Dargis, this film was one step away from a Carole Lombard screwball comedy directed by Howard Hawks. Clearly, someone drank the Kool-Aid or some kind of liquid substance before seeing this film, that not being me. Dumbstruck, we sat through the movie wondering what the attraction was for Manohla. Have I… Read More »

Why Do Celebrities Cheat Down?!?
In light of the release of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby mamma’s photo today, we here at IMW were sitting around pondering the phenomenon of celebrities cheating down rather than cheating up. Actually, unless you have other for instances, the only celebrity to actually cheat up–and I mean in a big way–was Brad Pitt to Angelina Jolie from Jennifer Aniston. Besides that, the trend, for lack of a better word, is for the celebrity to troll around for haggy poontang and getting it. Here are a few such examples. Please follow us on or Like Us on Facebook.… Read More »