Posts Tagged «Charlie Sheen»
There are things that happen in life that I call God shots. This is when Mother Nature proves her strength and man is brought to his knees. It gives us pause to remember how fleeting life is and to value every moment and appreciate our time on Earth. This morning reading The Huffington Post, I was overwhelmed with sadness for the people of Japan affected by the earthquake. I lived through the Northridge Earthquake in Los Angeles back in 1994, and was woken up by the monstrous sound of moving Earth coupled with the crashing of shattering glass. Sure, I… Read More »

UPDATE March 8, 2011: It’s official: black IS back! Don’t believe me? Check out the dark mood at Chanel. We all know that Karl Lagerfeld rules the fashion roost worldwide. So, if Karl says “Black uber alles” then so it is. And, from the looks of his somewhat over stuffed collection, black is here and hopefully to stay. When I say overstuffed, I mean the quilted, unflattering jumpsuits that will never live on the streets, but just in the magazines. For now, I am reveling in Black Power! March 7, 2011: For the past few seasons, fashion editors have been… Read More »
The past few days while Charlie Sheen has been monopolizing the airwaves, the happy homemakers, Sarah (Cross-Hair) Palin and Michele (Cross-Eyed) Bachmann have been doing their darndest to get some face time on the boob tube. Naturally, Fox News to the rescue, where Ms. Blabbermouth #1 has been spewing venomous insults about the Obama Administration, while her potential Presidential rival Ms. Blabbermouth #2 was doing the same. The slanderous comments such as “Gangster Government” is so racially motivated, that it makes John Galliano look like Mother Teresa. Now, these two bimbettes have synced up their talking points to the point… Read More »
I cannot stand Michele Bachmann. She is evil incarnate and crazier than Charlie Sheen.She is the answer to the prayer of crazy toothless zealots that scare the beJesus out of me. She threatens the very freedom that we have enjoyed for years because one thing the Tea Party represents, is a mindset from the 1700s, including a pro-slavery stance. Michele Bachmann was just on Meet The Press, why David Gregory would give that psycho-bitch airtime is beyond me. Then again, with Christiane Amanpour being all sorts of globally fabulous, it proves that NBC has lost its footing with Gregory and… Read More »
Who Took The Bow At Dior?!?
In what is clearly the most insurmountable public relations snafu on Earth, well, fashion Earth anyway, Christian Dior was challenged to stay the course and host their fashion show today in Paris in spite of the debacle that is John Galliano. The above picture features the staff from Dior ateliers, who took the final bow at the show. This is the most fantastic, emotional, democratic, loving way to handle such an awkward moment and to thank those who attended the show. Yesterday The Huffington Post asked its zillions of readers whether or not the Dior and John Galliano shows should… Read More »

Charlie Sheen is the Grossest Baboon Of The Year…this or any other. UPDATE TO MY UPDATE: Have you seen any of the interviews with Charlie Sheen? His arrogance knows no bounds. He occasionally says funny things, but the joke ultimately is on us, because he gets to stay him, and we get to watch. However this drama ends regarding the CBS Show Two and a Half Men, he will go on to make more millions and prove his arrogance was the right way to be. Besides the cast and crew of TAAHM, who are the biggest losers here, I feel… Read More »
The Oscar Debacle
I’m reading the mixed reviews of last nights Oscars telecast and wondering how on Earth anyone would have said one good thing about the show. The pairing of young Hollywood’s sweethearts was such a mistake to where it reached epic proportions. I cringed through most of broadcast. Anne Hathaway has no gravitas whatsoever while James Franco was smug to the point of irritating. Sure, when Billy Crystal entered the room the audience stood to an ovation, the message being, “Help, please host this show again.” Anne Hathaway‘s song was ill-conceived, James Franco as Marilyn Monroe was a sad attempt at… Read More »
Charlie Sheen: Back To Work
Let is be said that on March 4th, I wanted to reveal what lead up to Charlie Sheen’s erratic behavior last Christmas. My source told me all the salacious dish about their drug-induced, hyper-active sexcapades but asked me not to share it for fear of Les Moonvees. RadarOnline however, did a piece that eluded to what could have been the final piece of the puzzle that made all the sense in the world as to why Charlie would have beat the beJesus out of Brooke. Come on, didn’t that Christmas interlude between Charlie and Brooke seem a bit excessive? With… Read More »
Far be it from me to be a buzz kill, however, last time I checked we were still in the middle of two wars. Though the Afghanistan debacle is kind-of top-of-mind, we still have the Iraq situation, which gets very little media play…despite the fact that the July death toll there was the highest in two years. But, what do I know? Let’s just discuss the big news items of the day as though they are real hard-hitting news items. Hmmm, where shall I start? BREAKING NEWZZZ: Lindsay Lohan is able to smoke cigarettes while in rehab? How’s that for… Read More »
Kernels of Dish (Wednesday) couldn’t resist competing with Vanity Fair by featuring the soccer hotties. It’s so Sex and the City 2 of them. - STYLE.COM Charlie Sheen is opting for jail as opposed to a 2 year probation. Gotta love a guy who knows that there is no way on Earth he is staying clean and sober for that long. – TMZ Who would want to face off with Steve Wynn and Joe Francis? They look insane. – TMZ I love Diana Agron from Glee. She has been completely underused this season…until last night. – DAILY BEAST Yes, I know, he won… Read More »